DiscoverOff CenterEpisode 7: Computational Narrative Systems and Platform Studies with Nick Montfort
Episode 7: Computational Narrative Systems and Platform Studies with Nick Montfort

Episode 7: Computational Narrative Systems and Platform Studies with Nick Montfort

Update: 2023-10-24


Scott Rettberg is this time joined by Center for Digital Narrative PI Nick Montfort. Together they dive into topics such as computational narrative systems, platform studies, and interactive fiction. 

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Chandler, Otis and Elizabeth K. Chandler, 2006. Goodreads. Social network site.

Custodio, Alex. 2020. Who Are You? Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance Platform. MIT Press.

Hayles, N. Katherine, Nick Montfort, Scott Rettberg and Stephanie Strickland. 2006. Electronic Literature Collection: Volume 1.

Infocom. Bureaucracy. Infocom. Various platforms. 1987.

Infocom. Deadline. Infocom. Various platforms. 1982.

Infocom. The Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy. Infocom. Various platforms. 1984.

Infocom. Zork. Infocom. PDP-10. 1977.

Meehan, James. 1976. Tale-Spin. A program that writes simple stories.

Montfort, Nick. 1999. Winchester’s Nightmare: A Novel Machine. Interactive fiction. Web edition:

Montfort, Nick. 2005. Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction. MIT Press.

Montfort, Nick. 2006. Ad Verbum. Interactive fiction. Web edition:

Montfort, Nick. 2008. ppg256. (Perl Poetry Generator in 256 characters) series.

Montfort, Nick. 2023. “Why I Am Not an Algorist.” In Poème Objkt Sbjkt, Paris: Librairie Galerie Métamorphoses, pp. 126–131.

Montfort, Nick and Ian Bogost. 2020. Racing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System. MIT Press.

Montfort, Nick. “Taroko Gorge.” On, 2009; In #!, (Nick Montfort, Denver: Counterpath) 2014; With remixes, in Electronic Literature Collection, volume 3, February 2016.

OpenAI. 2023. ChatGPT [Large language model].

Rettberg, Scott. “Tokyo Garage.” On, 2009.

Rowberry, Simon Peter. 2022. Four Shades of Gray: The Amazon Kindle Platform. MIT Press.

Stephens, Paul. 2015. The Poetics of Information Overload: From Gertrude Stein to Conceptual Writing. University of Minnesota Press.

Stephens, Paul. 2020. absence of clutter: minimal writing as art and literature. MIT Press.

University of Bergen. n. d. “Center for Digital Narrative.”

Wardrip-Fruin, Noah and Nick Montfort. 2003. The New Media Reader. MIT Press.

This research is partially supported by the Research Council of Norway Centres of Excellence program, project number 332643, Center for Digital Narrative and project number 335129, Extending Digital Narrative.

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Episode 7: Computational Narrative Systems and Platform Studies with Nick Montfort

Episode 7: Computational Narrative Systems and Platform Studies with Nick Montfort

Off Center, a Podcast from the Center For Digital Narrative