DiscoverYou Gotta Have FaithEpisode 75: But If Not (Daniel 3: 16 - 18)
Episode 75: But If Not  (Daniel 3: 16 - 18)

Episode 75: But If Not (Daniel 3: 16 - 18)

Update: 2019-05-19


This week, the women in Alabama were presented with an oppressive law that takes away their ability to choose. Craig, Deb and I are Christians, but we don't believe laws, especially oppressive laws, should be based on one faith. There are many protests and calls for civil disobedience - and my thoughts turn to one man who is no stranger to civil disobedience - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and his speech that talks directly on civil disobedience: But If Not. He delivered the speech on November 5, 1967 - the sermon is about King Nebuchanezzar and his oppressive law, ordering all to worship a gold statue. But three boys: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to do so, even when facing a fiery furnace. Civil Disobedience is a commitment to conscience - to answer to the laws of a God that loves all men and women. And Freedom - including to choose - is the greatest act of love.

Also, something to think of: one may say a christian must obey all laws. I would invite you to think of Jesus as a disruptor - one who willingly challenged the Pharises' and their laws and their interpretation of the Bible. If Jesus can challenge the authorities in his day, we as his children have every right to challenge our authorities. This is Dr. King's message to us.

I'm sure this episode will draw controversy and debate - and we welcome it. Please post any thoughts or comments on Facebook or Soundcloud and lets engage in serious talk. The word of God should not be used as a weapon against people who want to live free and have every right to be free. The love of God is strong and wide enough to encompass all of us, with all of our differences.








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Episode 75: But If Not  (Daniel 3: 16 - 18)

Episode 75: But If Not (Daniel 3: 16 - 18)

You Gotta Have Faith