DiscoverYou Gotta Have FaithFaith Episode 70 - Pain (John 16- 20 - 24)
Faith Episode 70 - Pain (John 16- 20 - 24)

Faith Episode 70 - Pain (John 16- 20 - 24)

Update: 2019-03-30


We’ve talked in the past on this podcast about pain and endurance – seeing the other side and believing in a better future than being stuck in pessimism. We revisit this as we jump into John 16:20-24, as Jesus teaches his disciples that there will be tears and sorrow, but it will be followed by joy – the key is your belief. It seems, this past two weeks, I’ve been surrounded by death. Our good friend Jeff Thompson died after a long illness; there have been news of suicides as a result of not being able to get over past pain – and today’s political climate has many people in despair. Craig and I look to this scripture and the Parable of the Fig Tree (Luke 13: 6-9) – what’s interesting about the parable is that it ends ambiguously. Will the fig tree eventually bear fruit? Will it die? We are the fig tree – we can choose to live or die. It depends on your faith and your belief. Not just believing in God. Believing in yourself. Believing in a positive future.

If you are feeling depressed and have considered suicide, I urge you to think positive and talk to someone about it. People love you and care for you. The National Suicide Hotline is there for you: 1-800-273-TALK (or 8255). You can also go online: . Don’t let the moments of “now” block you from seeing a beautiful future.

As always, let us know what you think and feel on this podcast, via on facebook, Twitter or Instagram (@Reg_Clay) and Deb Carriger (@DLCarriger) and we hope you have a blessed week.








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Faith Episode 70 - Pain (John 16- 20 - 24)

Faith Episode 70 - Pain (John 16- 20 - 24)

You Gotta Have Faith

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