DiscoverMy Favorite TheoremEpisode 84 - The Students of TCU
Episode 84 - The Students of TCU

Episode 84 - The Students of TCU

Update: 2023-05-02


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Kevin Knudson: Welcome to My Favorite Theorem, the math podcast with no quiz at the end. I'm Kevin Knutson, professor of mathematics at the University of Florida. And today I am flying solo while I am at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, where I'm serving as the Green Honors Chair for the week. And I've been given some talks and meeting the fine folks here at TCU. And today, I have the pleasure to talk with some of their students. And they're going to tell us about their favorite theorems and what they pair well with. And we're just going to jump right in. So my first guest is Aaryan. Can you introduce yourself?

Aaryan Dehade: My name is Aaryan. I'm a sophomore computer science major at TCU, and I'm from India. And I've chosen to go with the fundamental theorem of calculus.

KK: Okay. The fundamental calculus.

AD: Yeah.

KK: Okay, so now there are two parts of the fundamental theorem of calculus. Do you have a favorite part?

AD: So that's what I like about it. Honestly, I can't choose a favorite part because one of the parts is very important, and the other is interesting.

KK: Yes.

AD: So the first part, basically, it tells us the relationship between the integral and derivative. The second part tells us — like, basically, you can use that second part supply and to get solutions for questions in calculus. Does that makes sense?

KK: Sure.

AD: So what I like about this theorem is that it's not like other theorems where it has two parts. So it's kind of interesting how everything in calculus is based off of these two theorems. And if you didn't know what the relationship between the derivative and the integral was, probably you wouldn't be able to do anything with mathematics with it.

KK: Sure, maybe. Yeah. So you said one part was useful, and one part was interesting. Which part do you think is interesting?

AD: I feel like the first part is interesting, because it's almost intuitive. Like, you know that should happen, like the relationship between integrals and derivatives should be, like, one is an inverse of the other. And that is intuitive. So it's almost given. And it's interesting that we have to say that.

KK: Really, you think that’s intuitive? I mean, I’m not — I don’t know, when I first learned the fundamental theorem, I thought it was kind of shocking that somehow this this thing, this integral, which is sort of defined as in terms of these Riemann sums, somehow that went, you know, if you let x be the upper limit there, and you differentiate that function, you get your original function back. That’s intuitive? That’s amazing.

AD: Yeah, basically what it is, it's just an area of a rectangle. So I just thought of it as just decreasing the width of the rectangles, and then you get smaller and smaller rectangles, so you get the area. And then if you take the function at that point…that’s what I think.

KK: You’re cleverer than I am. I was just kind of dim, I guess, and I didn't think it was so intuitive. I mean, I saw the proof and believed it. But then, yeah, then the second part is how you actually evaluate integrals.

AD: Yeah, so that's what you use to calculate the area between two points.

KK: Yeah. Although I guess the problem is, right. So the theorem says that, you know, if you want to find the, the integral, the value of this definite integral, all you have to do — and our listeners can't see me doing the scare quotes — “all” you have to do is find an antiderivative of the function. Right?

AD: Right.

KK: Yeah. And then you spend all of Calc II learning how to find antiderivatives.

AD: Yeah.

KK: And even then, if I hand you an arbitrary function, you can't even do it, right? Like that's the sort of disappointing part of that theorem, is that most functions, you can't find a closed form antiderivative for. And so what do you do? But you’re a computer science major. You know what you do, right? You do it numerically, right?

AD: Yeah.

KK: Okay. Very cool. So you've known this theorem for quite some time, I guess.

AD: Yeah, I've done it since high school.

KK: So you love the theorem.

AD: I really, yeah, I do. Because when I was in high school, I used to sit at my dining table and study because I wanted to have some snacks at the same time.

KK: Sure. As we all do.

AD: I would just spend hours just doing sums on integrals, or basically just integrals. That was difficult at that point.

KK: Sure.

AD: And yeah, it was interesting, because I got used to that at some point. And then it got easier. And I just started liking the satisfaction of being able to do this. That was fun.

KK: Cool. All right. So on this podcast, we also like to ask our guests to pair their theorem or something. So what pairs well with the fundamental theorem?

AD: So as I said, I used to sit at the dining table and have snacks. And there's this really, really popular biscuit in India called Parle-G. And I used to have that with tea while doing my sums. So that was the highlight of it, that's why I used to look forward to studying, just for those biscuits.

KK: Okay, so I assume there's an Indian market in town somewhere, right? Can you get these?

AD: Yeah, I do have them in my dorm right now. Yeah. I have them every day.

KK: All right. So what are these called again?

AD: Parle-G.

KK: Parle-G. Okay. So I'll have to go to the Indian market when I get back home and see if I can find these because I am always on the lookout for a good new biscuit.

AD: Yeah, they’re amazing. Okay, so you should you should know, our very first episode of this podcast, aur guest, who was Amie Wilkinson, who is on the faculty at University of Chicago, chose the fundamental theorem as her favorite theorem. So you're in very good company, because she's a phenomenal mathematician. And okay, thanks.

AD: Awesome. Thanks so much.

KK: All right, up next, we have Toan. So why don't you tell us about yourself and what your favorite theorem is?

Duc Toan Nguyen: Okay. My name is Duc Toan Nguyen. People usually call me Toan. I’m an international student from Vietnam, and I'm a sophomore majoring in math and computer science

KK: Okay, great. So, favorite theorem. What’ve you got?

DTN: Yeah. So as my peer Aaryan, he chose the fundamental theorem of calculus, right?

KK: Yes.

DTN: But I want to bring another fundamental theorem in analysis, which is the mean value theorem.

KK: Oh, okay. So I have a theory, okay. I call the mean value theorem, the real fundamental theorem of calculus.

DTN: Yeah, me too!

KK: So why do you like it so much?

DTN: Yeah, I think I have the same idea with you of why it is called the real fundamental theorem. I think, because to prove the fundamental theorem of calculus, you need the mean value theorem.

KK: You absolutely do.

DTN: Also for analysis, the most popular and common tool in calculus, which is a derivative test, also has the mean value theorem behind it.

KK: That's right. Yeah, that's right.

DTN: So when I first so I first approached the mean value theorem when I was in high school. I took the Math Olympiad in Vietnam. So I had to prepare for that, and there is a section about that.

KK: Okay.

DTN: So it's called the Lagrange Theorem, it was kind of very fancy. Yeah. And it usually applies to — so you know, in the exam, we had some of the problems related to the continuous version, and f(a) minus f(b), something like that. Most of time, we used the mean value theorem. So yeah, it was kind of cool at the time, but I really enjoyed that until last semester, I took real analysis. So I could see the whole process was using the mean value theorem. That's why it can be taught in one lecture or one unit. Even today, this semester, I’m taking multivariate analysis. And it's also a very fundamental thing in proof, everything from differentiability on. It also even has a mean value theorem in it higher-dimensional space.

KK: So maybe we should remind our listeners what the mean value theorem actually says,

DTN: Oh, okay. So, let f be a function defined on an interval [a,b], so that f is continuous on the closed interval [a,b] and differentiable on the open interval (a,b). So the theorem say that there exists a point c between a and b that is not is not inclusive so that f(b)−f(a) is equal to f’(c)(b−a). So I think the mean value theorem, the name comes from the quantity f(b)−f(a) divided by (b−a).

KK: Yeah. Right. So the average rate of change over the interval is equal somewhere to the instantaneous rate.

DTN: Yeah.

KK: Yeah, that's right. That's how you prove the fundamental theorem, too, because it's just a telescoping sum when you write it out correctly. And the mean value theorem sort of pushes everything away, and then you're done.

DTN: Yeah, that's also my favorite part. Because it can tell you the relationship between the integral of functions and their derivatives.

KK: Right, right. So what do you want to pair with your theorem, what pairs with the mean value theorem?

DTN: Yeah, I want to pair with something really weird. Which is a phone with FaceTime. Okay, so I'm here. I study. I'm far from my home. My home is in Vietnam, whi








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Episode 84 - The Students of TCU

Episode 84 - The Students of TCU

Kevin Knudson & Evelyn Lamb