DiscoverCutting Through The NoiseEpisode Two. S2: Tom White
Episode Two. S2: Tom White

Episode Two. S2: Tom White

Update: 2024-01-28


Bridging the Divide – Perspective on the Salon Industry Evolution


In this episode, we sit down with Tom, the visionary behind Same Same But Different, a salon that not only stands out for its creative prowess but is also at the forefront of redefining the traditional salon model. Tom, named Australian Men’s Hairdresser of the Year, shares his insights on the evolving salon industry and his unique approach to navigating the challenges, particularly in relation to freelance hairstylists.

The Great Divide:

Tom opens up about the evident divide within the salon industry, especially the dynamic between traditional salons and freelance hairstylists. He sheds light on the challenges and opportunities that this division presents and why addressing this issue is crucial for the industry's future.

Creating a New Model:

Tom shares his innovative approach to bridge the gap, discussing the new salon model he has created for Same Same But Different. This model not only adapts to the changing landscape but also provides a space for freelance hairstylists to thrive within the structure of a salon. Tom's vision is not just about running a salon; it's about creating an ecosystem that fosters collaboration and inclusivity.

Tom's Take on Solutions:

Delving into the solutions the industry needs, Tom discusses his perspective on what can save it from further division. From embracing a more collaborative mindset to adopting flexible salon models, Tom provides his insights into how the industry can evolve to meet the demands of the modern world.

Same Same But Different's Role:

Tom emphasizes how Same Same But Different is not just a salon but a living example of a solution to the industry's challenges. He discusses how his team, united by shared values, has played a pivotal role in creating an environment that accommodates diverse talents and approaches.


In this thought-provoking episode, Tom challenges conventional norms within the salon industry. His insights on the great divide and his proactive approach to create a new model serve as a beacon for others navigating this changing landscape. Tom's take on solutions not only sparks conversation but invites industry-wide reflection on the steps needed to save and revitalize the salon experience.

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The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the host and guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Cuttingthroughthenoise.

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Episode Two. S2: Tom White

Episode Two. S2: Tom White