Equipment: Revolutionizing the Racket Stringing Industry w/Mains & Crosses
In this episode of the 10sJunkies podcast, I got the awesome opportunity to talk with Smitti. Smitti runs an at-home-stringing business and popular Instagram page "Mains & Crosses". We sat down and talked about certain trends we can likely predict that will impact the stringing industry. Smitti has been stringing for about 8 years and has experienced many ups and downs in the industry. One thing Smitti did to improve his business is to start offering a pickup and drop-off service when COVID hit to help provide people with the most convenient service possible. Another innovation Smitti implemented was accepting crypto-currency and buying into the NFT and Metaverse space. I really enjoyed talking all things stringing and new-age business with Smitti and hope I get the chance again! You can check out his Instagram account at the link below: