Everyone has a role to play in the revolution
The aid system needs a revolution but criticising it requires nuance. In this episode, I speak with Arbie Baguios. As the founder of the initiative Aid Re-imagined and as a vocal critique of the aid industry on social media, he is a leading voice in the decolonisation movement. At the same time, Arbie walks the line between critiquing the ills of international actors and also pushing for constructive change with them.
Building on the last episode, we can pick up on the focus on aid structures, not individuals, but also how an individual can think about working with or against this system. Throughout, Arbie brings much needed nuance to my questions and it was a very enjoyable conversation.
Follow Arbie: @arbiebaguios - https://medium.com/aidreimagined
Follow for more on Instagram: thedevelopmentdilemma; Twitter: @dev_dilemma or email: thedevelopmentdilemma@gmail.com. Music credits: Juliani, 'Kama sa Sisi'
Instagram: thedevelopmentdilemma; Twitter: @dev_dilemma; Music credits: Juliani, 'Kama sa Sisi'