Inhabiting Injustice with Jim Chuchu
This podcast with Jim Chuchu comes from the panel event held in Nairobi on the topic 'Let's talk about Inhabiting Injustice'. This was a powerful, hard and uncomfortable conversation - the kind I hoped for when starting this podcast. It is thought-provoking and worth discussing with others - come to my next panel event on March 10th to do so. Many thanks to Jim for tackling this with me!
Check out the show notes here:
Find more of Jim's work here:
Follow for more on Instagram: thedevelopmentdilemma; Twitter: @dev_dilemma or email: Music credits: Juliani, 'Kama sa Sisi'
Instagram: thedevelopmentdilemma; Twitter: @dev_dilemma; Music credits: Juliani, 'Kama sa Sisi'
Incredible listening!