F*ck Dark Forces: How to Become LESS Susceptible to Them + What the F*ck Are They?!
Welcome back to Unf*ck Yourself! Can't tell you how excited I am to talk about and educate our community on dark forces, in a SAFE and NON-SCARY space. The more educated you are, the better protected and cleansed you'll be! And this episode is a preview of my new course F*ck Dark Forces here: https://allieninfo.com/dark-forces. You're getting a massive preview into week 1, excluding some exclusive content like two energy recoveries! Peep the course for the full thing (and the other 7+ weeks).
So queen, have you ever FELT those moments when you just don't seem like yourself ... you're more impatient or easily frustrated than usual ... you feel down, unfocused, or "weaknesses" you already have seem totally heightened and intensified? So often when people are told they're depressed or bipolar, that's not actually what's going on (and it's FIXABLE). And that's where these guys come in...
Ignorance is NOT bliss when it comes to dark forces, and that's exactly what we dive into in today's episode. We talk about void of light beings, how to not broadcast your weaknesses to the world, what dark forces even are, the different realms and dark forces' accessibility to them, ascended masters, and SO much more... including a recorded Q+A at the end!
Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your burning questions regarding to info@allieninfo.com.
Don't miss out on:
F*ck Dark Forces Course: https://allieninfo.com/dark-forces
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Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unf-ck-yourself/id1647393740
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/4OfhtVIbV73xuSrZ2MnXKZ?si=f3fabaa47ca4482e