Discoverpodcast – FREE TEKNO TRIBEFree Tekno Tribe Podcast ED#04
Free Tekno Tribe Podcast ED#04

Free Tekno Tribe Podcast ED#04

Update: 2013-05-28


Hi Friends around the globe!

After a short break of podcasting we are back again to enterTEK you !! 🙂

Edition #04 is online now.

You find the playlist on our Soundcloudpage, click on edition #04 and the FIRST comment from us you will find the playlist or on our Facebook (Fan) page.

On each edition we seek new tunes from DJs,Producers who uploaded their Tracks, tunes, mixes on Soundcloud and on the show MadPax (your host for the FTT Podcast) presents you some tracks from different DJs/Crews/6tems/PROducers and feeds you with some Infos and Links aaaand some NONsense. 😉

This edition is hosted by MaDPaX and as Co-host the “newsancher” Pat.tack.

The FreeteknoTribePodcast has re:crew’ed:

Lory has left the PodCastCru in reason of time and her education. We wish her all the best!

+++We welcome our new female PodCastCruMember:   KiaraKlang ++++ She will be hosting the S’p3C!@L FEMALE DJs EDition of the FTT-Podcast.

To ALL FEMALE DJs, Producers, send us your tunes or links of your tunes if you want to be part of the Sp3C!@L ED.

If you like the Podcast and want be part of the TR!B3 send us your tunes or visit our homepage to check how to contact us via mail etc…



Podcast Cru²³


Producer: St3V0,

DJ Host: MadPax,

Webmaster/Newsancher: pAT.tack

Upcoming Co-host/Great Designer: KiaraKlang


WE thank YOU a lot for listen and share

our / YOUR Podcast.


You can listen the Podcast on your Mobile and on any kind of PC/Mac/Linux…

As well on iTunes Store (for FREE of course): Click Podcast > search: FREE TEKNO TRIBE

A WAY much more is coming,

“stay tuned” . 🙂

|| 2h Tekno “Show” Podcast // with your host MadPax// INFOS  about the current played Track, the DJs, Producer, Crews and/or Sound6tem ||

If you want you can download the Podcast (of course) for free !!

If you click on the RSS button, you will find the RSS Link of this EDition number. Each podcatcher, podcastplayer needs this RSS Link and with that link you can hear it on your iPod, RSS podcast, podcatcher, etc and so on!

And of course on iTunes for free:  Click on podcast, on the searchtab drop in:

Free  Tekno  Tribe

(not written together) and there you find our Logo. It could take a few hours or even a few days until the podcast is on iTunes, because, simply to explain. iTunes is lame…. ;–) No just kidding! iTunes gets a day 10000000 uploads around the globe. With the RSS link you will get informed as soon a new edition number is online… or you check this wordpress site or our Soundcloudpage.

our new Soundcloud page:

Facebook :

To get in contact with us. 🙂 Send us your request of your tunes, links of your tunes and your Shout request. Please send us your Shout-outs ONLY via PrivateMessage. We will post each time a pic for the take-over of your shout-out-request. The first some friendly and some funny shout-request will be taken. So hurry up. 😉 (SAD MO*FU* Info! We are recieving in the past from a few idiots “hate” Mails, Shout-request against DJ to-> Soundsystem. To ALL “HATERS” WE WILL NOT read your hatefullfilled shouts against some or any Crews, Soundsystem, DJs or Producers! Deal with it, grow up and stop to spam!)

After we have enough shouts we will post a picture or drop a line to inform you that we reached the limit of the  Shout-out requests. Thank you and PLEASE respect the DJs, Producers, Crews and Soundsystems. If not or if you can’t deal with it, don’t listen this podcast. We aren’t Hippies, but we also aren’t Dizzers, Mobbers or Haters! We just live the oldschool tekno spirit and not the “new-age” Tekno against Tekno shi* which exists!


FB Fanpage


The Podcast Cru²³ (to send us your Shouts via DirectMessage, etc…)

MadPax aka Freakez23 (You can DM MaDPaX aswell for Shouts or for special wishes or whatever)

our Homepage

Website (always under construction = not daily/weekly/…monthly up2date^^)


(for your Shouts or to write us or to send us a better quality of your track)









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

10 Minutes

15 Minutes

30 Minutes

45 Minutes

60 Minutes

120 Minutes

Free Tekno Tribe Podcast ED#04

Free Tekno Tribe Podcast ED#04
