Free Tekno Tribe Podcast ED#6
Happy summer all and a great TEKn1v@l t1me!
This Episode has been:
recorded 16,17 or the 18th of July
released 16th of August
Free Tekno Tribe Podcast exist to “entertek” you.
entertaining + tekno = entertek <> Free Tekno Tribe Podcast
This Episode includes
+ some of your Shout Outs (thank you for sending us your request but we do not have so much time left so please excuse us if we do not read out your Shout request)
+ Tunes and links by DJs and Soundsystems you find on Soundcloud
+ a game
+ a new category “in our minds”
Enjoy listening,
thanks for “like” and “share”
and downloading (also possible to download on iTunes > FOR FREE)
on iTunes store search for FREE TEKNO TRIBE podcast and there you see our logo and Stevo
FreeTeknoTribe PodCru²³
** Mail us at (if you have a Shout request, an in our minds or a tune/sound request. If you want us to play you track send us your link of your track/s please)
** Follow MaDPaX on Twitter @Freakez23 or follow the Cru @teknomovent
** Like us on Facebook, our page: Freeteknotribepodcast
Like MaDPaX used to say, live and love yu life
Since ED 3 MaDPaX is the producer because Stevo is still in NZ. This ED also has been produced by MaDPaX. (thanks Dude^^)
Host: MaDPaX
Chiara Klang