Future- Focused Thinking
Business planning for 2020 is a hot topic this month! So there's no better time than now for some mindset tips to help you think about your plans with a future focus.
We get into trouble when we allow the part of our brain that likes safety, assurances and security to work with us on our plans ;) Today's episode is going to start you on a path to using your planning brain - your future focused mind - to move you in the direction of success.
One of Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is Starting with the end in mind – or creating now what you want to have in the future. Doing your business now the way you want to be doing it in the future. Starting your business now with a clear idea of how you want it to look in the future. It’s based on the idea that we create everything twice: once in our minds, and again in reality, once we know the direction we want to head in, and a potential path to get there. If you know you want your business to hold specific values or exist within a particular model, why would you start out any other way?
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