Kate Germano – Author Of Fight Like A Girl – The Truth Behind How Female Marines Are Trained
This is a fascinating story about how a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Marines, Kate Germano, set out to improve the performance scores of the female recruits under her command. Using historical data, and implementing the advice and training improvement suggestions of her peers and even supervisors, she managed to bring the results of her recruits up to par with that of the men they would serve with - in under 9 short months. This, after 40+ years of women never coming close to qualifying equally with men.
Women who were previously shooting at the lowest qualifying rank (some failing to qualify at all) were suddenly shooting at the expert level - the highest qualifying level. Unit morale had improved, and her recruits were suffering fewer injuries. Her female recruits, for once in the Marines' history, were equally prepared to serve alongside their male counterparts.
Interesting enough as it's own story line, right? Well what happened next was fodder for the international media for weeks afterwards - the Marines relieved her of her duty. Yes, Kate Germano was fired for doing too good a job. For being, "too tough" on her recruits.
Too tough for the Marines?
What Kate had uncovered was systematic gender bias supported by years of segregated training and lowered expectations around results for the female recruits.
Listen to hear more! And please come back in January, 2019 for the start of Season 2.