Futuwwa (Spiritual Chivalry): Speak Truthfully and Fulfill Trusts
Shaykh Yahya continues his discussion on Futuwwa based on Imam Muhammad ibn al-Husayn al Sulami’s (d. 412 AH, 1034 CE) book, Kitab al-Futuwwa with the next character trait: speaking truthfully and fulfilling trusts. The six different levels of truthfulness are mentioned, with a focus on the first level—always maintaining truthfulness in speech and being careful with what we say. He also discusses the virtue of fulfilling trusts in the context of a hadith that lists four traits that if possessed, it does not matter what someone misses from the dunya. Prior to the discussion on Futuwwa, Shaykh Yahya relates a beautiful story about the Prophet’s, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, great-great-grandson, Ja’far al-Sadiq.
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