Futuwwa (Spiritual Chivalry): To Show Good Hospitality and To Honor Guests
In this session on Futuwwa based on Imam Muhammad ibn al-Husayn al Sulami’s (d. 412 AH, 1034 CE) book, Kitab al-Futuwwa, Shaykh Yahya continues with the next great trait of spiritual chivalry: showing good hospitality and honoring guests. He mentions the story of what Sayyida Khadijah, radi allahu anha, said to comfort the Prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, after he received his first revelation: specifically, the five traits that the Prophet (saas) possessed, including receiving guests hospitably. Shaykh Yahya also explains how the prophetic methodology can be found in these five traits. Short discussions on why prayer is our “primary occupation” and why the entire earth is a masjid are also provided.
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