Get Rich Quick with Aranjay Katakam
When my friend Aranjay was young, he wanted to be super rich.
Growing up in India, though, he was also acutely aware of the unfairness of it all.
So he decided he was going to change the world instead.
He got really good at Economics, sailed the choppy seas of corporate life, helping great people and organisations along the way - like the UN - and is now enjoying family life (in the UK) with a kiddie like mine who has allergies.
He's written a couple of awesome books, and his latest one (just published) is Generation Hope: How Inclusive Economics Can Help Us All Thrive.
Seth Godin (no less) says,
"We’re in the middle of a seismic shift in our culture and the commerce that supports it (and vice versa). Arunjay’s thoughtful book is a roadmap for what’s next.”
I know.
AND... Derek Sivers (for real) says, "A beautifully powerful call, humbly told, to turn your attention to the greater good."
Aranjay's super modest, but if people like Seth and Derek say you should read his stuff, you probably should.
Which is why I invited him on MY podcast.
Enjoy. And stay hopeful...