Getting to the Gut Meet Your Micro Biome
This sixty-minute complimentary journey will expand your view of how trillions of bacterial hitchhikers profoundly influence our health. We will discuss how foods, bathing, the environment, and our medical practices have impacted our gut bacteria over time and strategies we can take to protect these old friends. Join us!
New content and exciting research findings! Join the wonderment as we explore the role of our Microbiome.
Webinar Topics
State the relationship between gut health and diabetes and inflammation
- Discuss the implications of the skin microbiome and overall health
- Describe the importance of diet during pregnancy for the baby’s microbiome.
- Describe 3 strategies to get our microbiome back to better health.
This webinar is free and you can view at any time, on any device. If you want to earn CEs, you can purchase this course on our online university below.
Click here to visit our website for more information on your gut microbiota
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