What We Say Matters: Language that Respects the Individual and Imparts Hope Diabetes Webinar
What we say matters.
As educators, advocates, spouses, friends, and providers, our use of language can deeply affect the self-view of people living with diabetes every day.
Intentional communication is a powerful tool that can uncover trauma, identify barriers, and move both the provider and person with diabetes toward a greater understanding of the issues involved.
The language used in the health care setting is immensely important in determining trust, mutual respect, and meaningful long term relationships.
- Let’s lift people through our commitment to careful listening.
- Let’s choose the language that is person-centered and free from judgment.
- Let’s empower our interactions by identifying and addressing trauma and the impact of social determinants.
Many people with diabetes have experienced injustice, trauma, marginalization, and are often struggling with feelings of shame and blame.
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