Growing up Asian-American (Filipino🇵🇭-American🇺🇸) with special guest: My lovely wife, Mrs Amber J
This episode comes to you recorded in Portugal.
I’m half-Filipino. I’m half-White.
Mrs Amber J is my Filipina queen.
Together, two worlds collide. Though we both have Filipino in our blood, we both have completely different experiences growing up in Detroit & LA.
My dad came to Detroit from The Philippines when he was 8, Amber’s mother came to LA when she was an adult.
Naturally, LA is more diverse than the Midwest, so our conception of being Asian in America and all that comes along with that (cough cough - we’re not Chinese, Japanese, Thai - we have so much respect for these cultures it’s just most people never guess Filipino - they’re only conception of Asia is associated with China or Japan, not the dozens of other countries that make up the continent - and ask questions like “what are you”. Well, I’m glad you asked. I’m a man. A man of God. A husband.
It’s interesting how just because of people’s perceptions and views, I’ve gotten stereotyped to be “Yao Ming” “Jackie Chan” “Jeremy Lin” and oh, must love math and be great at kung-fu…these among countless other forms of discrimination and how that can deep-seededly without even realizing it affect how we view ourselves, is discussed in this episode. Among a myriad of other topics associated with race, being Filipino-American, challenges we’ve encountered while on a mission trip in Europe, what we’ve learned, how we’re growing, and much more.
(please excuse the fan noise in our northern Portuguese abode--it's authentic to our living situation)
Side note: I’m not Chinese or Japanese . Shout out to all those who are. But people in just pure ignorance out a label on me and stereotype me because they look at me and see Asia (a continent that has 50+ countries) so they say what they know & assume what they think they know- karate , math , you know.
I never did karate I don’t like math.
I’m proud to be filipino 🇵🇭 I’m half Filipino half white was being and raised in the great state of Michigan and most importantly I’m a man of God. I’m a man. Not your preconceived notion of what you may perceive me to be. Think before thinking 🤔
Before saying before stereotyping before judging.
People can over complicate things and find excuses to judge just like the Pharisees did but hey Jesus home we serve was the most misunderstood so we got him to depend on every day.
I’m just trying to be done people pleasing. It’s something I struggle with my whole life and I’ve gotten to a point that hey if you don’t understand I don’t have to explain myself that hey if do you know somebody doesn’t like me just for being me or just completely misunderstand me or tries to attack me guess what I’m covered by God Almighty and will continue to love Jesus honor my wife love my family friends and love you and forgive you and just be me. Whoever wants to rock with us in this journey great,, whoever doesn’t , we will shake the dust up off our feet and move on.
Peace ✌🏾