DiscoverauthenticallyLorenzo Murphy Jr. - Growing up in Compton, Graduating from Morehouse (HBCU), Recovering from trauma, Disney movies, & is In n Out the GOAT of fast food?
Lorenzo Murphy Jr. - Growing up in Compton, Graduating from Morehouse (HBCU), Recovering from trauma, Disney movies, & is In n Out the GOAT of fast food?

Lorenzo Murphy Jr. - Growing up in Compton, Graduating from Morehouse (HBCU), Recovering from trauma, Disney movies, & is In n Out the GOAT of fast food?

Update: 2021-12-20


➡️Morehouse College (HBCU) graduate➡️Growing up in Compton➡️Recovering from trauma➡️”We are the Martin Luther King’s now” in this modern-day Civil Rights era➡️Being a Black man in America➡️Favorite Disney movie & is In n’ Out the GOAT of fast food? 🤔👀🎦WATCH THE FULL EPISODE:🚨SUPPORT THE NEW PATREON! (featuring bonus and motivational content from Portugal): further ado, super excited for this one.My good friend, my brother in Christ - we met in San Diego at a FCA camp volunteering as huddle leaders coaching hoops to campers on the historic John Wooden Court at UCLA.Wooden was about character, being a man of faith, instilling values that go beyond the game.That translated to winning on the court, setting historic records that are monumental in college hoops winning national title after national title.We aim to carry on his legacy, the legacy of the likes of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the legends who came before us fighting for what’s right. Fighting for truth. Fighting for our faith in Christ. Day in and day out. Being who we’re called to be. Just aiming to use the gifting the Lord has given us for His Kingdom. Being men of God. For me, a good husband. For him, a good future husband. Good sons, good brothers, good…men.🚨You have to check out Zo’s music on Apple Music, Amazing Music, and Spotify under “Lorenzo Murphy Jr”:“Down this Road” by Lorenzo Murphy Jr.: his website, where you can find more of what’s going on in his life—including a book on the way!:https://www.lorenzomurphyjr.comZo’s YouTube channel: #MOTIVATION #HBCU #HBCUGRAD #MOREHOUSE #MOREHOUSECOLLEGE #CIVILRIGHTS#SOCIALJUSTICE #FAITH #CHRISTIAN #CHRISTIANMEN #DISNEYMOVIES #INNOUT
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Lorenzo Murphy Jr. - Growing up in Compton, Graduating from Morehouse (HBCU), Recovering from trauma, Disney movies, & is In n Out the GOAT of fast food?

Lorenzo Murphy Jr. - Growing up in Compton, Graduating from Morehouse (HBCU), Recovering from trauma, Disney movies, & is In n Out the GOAT of fast food?

Charlie Lapastora

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