DiscoverauthenticallyI was blind but now I see: the Curtis Perry episode.
I was blind but now I see: the Curtis Perry episode.

I was blind but now I see: the Curtis Perry episode.

Update: 2025-02-07


Ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor to launch the newest season of authentically with a very special distinguished guest: Curtis Perry!
From growing up fatherless with his dad in prison to growing up in an environment surrounded by drugs and where his influences were the streets to slowly becoming visually impaired, one may think all was lost...but, oh, could this be further from the truth with Curtis. As a matter of fact, it's quite the contrary, Curtis embodies what it means to trust God and thrive despite the circumstances surrounding him.
You know the classic beautiful hymn...
I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see Amazing Grace...and it's these very chords that strike different when you hear Curtis story and how he's been able to literally overcome all odds and thrive despite what he's faced.

My queen and I always love hanging out with Curtis and his beloved wife, Mary, for it's their wisdom, their insight, their encouragement, their fortitude through their lives that is not only inspiring, it should be an example for us all of having a positive perspective, speaking life over people through not only what we say but how we live, and ultimately loving one another and lifting up JESUS through it all.

Not only is Curtis a great friend, he’s a brother in Christ and has an incredible story. I hope you are encouraged, inspired, motivated, and feel empowered to chase your dreams no matter what you’ve been through after listening to Curtis.

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Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

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120 Minutes

I was blind but now I see: the Curtis Perry episode.

I was blind but now I see: the Curtis Perry episode.

Charlie Lapastora

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