Healthy Homeschool Mom

Healthy Homeschool Mom

Update: 2024-12-25


Staying healthy as a busy homeschool mom is not easy, mostly because moms put everyone else’s needs ahead of their own. In the hustle and bustle of life, it is easy to neglect your own health, and that will eventually catch up with you. Let’s talk about ways to stay on top of your health and wellness to keep up with your busy life.

Show Notes:   

Let’s talk about ways to stay on top of your health and wellness to keep up with your busy life.

  1. Living a healthy lifestyle is protecting your health, which is the key to feeling well. This means eating well, moving a lot, and resting.

  2. Set realistic goals and baby steps first. Eat one healthy meal per day or change your snacking situation.  Start with trying to get 5,000 steps a day or three glasses of water. 

  3. Rest when you can. If you are getting up with a baby at night, try to rest when the baby naps.

  4. Prioritize moving. Go to the park and play with the kids. Do some gardening, go for a walk. Get a fitness watch or band to tell you to get up and move if you’ve been sitting too long. This actually works well in a homeschool setting. Kids NEED recess, even if all you do is put the baby in a stroller and take a walk around the neighborhood. Make it a science class if you want, identifying trees and flowers.  

  5. Meal plan. It’s the best way to stay on budget and healthy.  Do some meal prep on the weekends. It saves time and gives you the opportunity to be ready, so you are not getting junky takeout or reaching into a bag of chips.

  6. Get the kids involved.   Kids HATE to do the dishes and mop the floor, but they seem to really like meal prep.  Teach them how to wash veggies and make a simple salad. Every meal should have at least one fruit or veggie or both.  It could just be carrot sticks, cucumber slices, a cut-up apple, or a bowl of grapes.  Whatever was on sale at the grocery. 

  7. Resting can certainly mean getting a good night’s sleep. But it also means learning to handle stress.  Some people manage stress by meditating.  Others take what is called a “forest bath”  – walking outside in nature.  We Catholics have a real leg up here.  My favorite meditations are the mysteries of the rosary.  There are books and online sites to help keep your mind focused on the mysteries. Or you can read scripture.  Or buy a book of prayers – some specifically written for moms.  Pray when you are nursing the baby or before bedtime.  You may find it is worth getting up half an hour before the kids, pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea, and pray.

Summary: It’s easy to put off doctor and dental appointments when you have small children. Bringing them along or getting a sitter can seem overwhelming, but it is essential to get your appointments done. A yearly physical, dental cleaning, gyn appt., and mammogram should be the minimum you try to achieve within a certain amount of time. At different ages, the priorities change, but make sure to be in touch with your physician at least once a year. 


Thanks to Jennifer for the idea! Send us a message and tell us what you want to hear about.

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