Heaven or Harvard?

Heaven or Harvard?

Update: 2024-08-07


A recent social media meme asked, "Am I teaching my children for Heaven, or am I teaching them for Harvard?" Ginny and Mary Ellen address these important questions on the minds of many parents in today's podcast, thoughtfully defining the meaning of those destinations and guiding you to find your family's unique homeschooling solution. 

Program Notes:

First, no parent wants their child to go to hell, and we all recognize that only a handful go to that particular university or any Ivy.  So, what are we talking about?  

Let's define some terms.

Heaven means that we give our children a thoroughly Catholic education so they:

  • Will stay close to the faith.

  • Live virtuous lives.

  • Go to Heaven. 

Harvard means raising leaders for success in their:

  • Community

  • Country

  • World

  • Ability to get others to Heaven.

Not every child is a good candidate for the Ivy League, but

Every child can change the world—our job is to prepare them for that.

We must:

  • Form our children in the faith.

  • Encourage pious practices.

  • Teach them about the saints.

  • Give them a rigorous academic education.  

Practical Suggestions

  • Great literature must be read to train getting past the 10-second social media blurbs.   

  • They need the thoughts of great men and women to be great citizens themselves.  

  • They need to learn how to think, form opinions, and process information, all through the lens of the Catholic faith. 

  • A true understanding of science is what produces pro-life adults.  

  • They have to aim for as high a place as their abilities can take them. 

Can't Afford College? 

  • Community college is a thrifty alternative.  

  • Or join the military and let the GI bill pay for college.  

  • Or take a year or two off to work and save.

Very Important Life Lessons

  • Let them play sports to develop discipline. If they like a particular sport, encourage them to work hard, stretch themselves, and strive for excellence.

  • Sadly, too many young people have no idea how to present themselves in public.  

  • Teach them gracious manners, self-sacrifice, and service to others. They will stand out.

  • Attractive personalities do just that – they attract others.

Hopefully, some of your children, the talented and lucky ones, will reach positions of power and authority. Our country and our world need them.

But every one of them can:

  • Serve on the parish council, your town board to keep the porn shop from opening in town, or your library board to keep offensive books out of the children's section.

  • Organize the bus trip to the March for Life. Raise money for pregnancy centers.

  • Start a travel baseball, softball, or soccer league in your town to keep kids busy with wholesome pursuits.

Summary - Moral adults can improve the world in thousands of ways.  So don't teach for Heaven or Harvard – teach for both!


Homeschooling Resources

Seton Home Study School

Seton Testing Services


Notes from Social Media

April asks if we have some encouragement for a family dealing with complex medical issues.

"My question is: what would be the one thing you would share with a family to encourage them when they have a season where they are exponentially challenged, and they are spending more time praying than "educating"? I know what we do, but I'd love to hear what your combined experience offers your listeners. Thank you for sharing your talents."

Mary Ellen replied, "April, when you're a medically complex family, you are basically required to be flexible. Plans, deadlines, and intentions all take a backseat to health. With this in mind, it also presents a wonderful opportunity to teach fortitude, discernment, gratitude, patience, etc. I hope that helps. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers."









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Heaven or Harvard?

Heaven or Harvard?

Seton Home Study School