DiscoverThe Charlie Kirk ShowHow Can We Know God's Plan for the Country? My Speech at Legacy Church
How Can We Know God's Plan for the Country? My Speech at Legacy Church

How Can We Know God's Plan for the Country? My Speech at Legacy Church

Update: 2024-09-011


This podcast features a speech by Charlie Kirk at Legacy Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he addresses the current political and cultural climate, criticizing Kamala Harris and her policies. Kirk emphasizes the importance of understanding political candidates' worldviews and voting for policies aligned with one's own. He calls for a revival of faith and patriotism, urging listeners to fight for their state and country. The speech touches on various topics, including the influence of powerful individuals and organizations, the rise of paganism, the need for Christian resistance, and the importance of local organizing and community building. Kirk also addresses questions from the audience on topics like transgender ideology, confronting authority figures, and the potential for the Balkanization of America. He concludes by encouraging listeners to stay engaged and fight for conservative values, emphasizing the importance of personal faith and making Jesus Christ the center of their lives.


Introduction and Welcome

The podcast begins with Charlie Kirk being introduced at Legacy Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Steve Smotherman, the pastor, welcomes Kirk and expresses his admiration for his work in standing up for America and the church.

Charlie Kirk's Message: The State of the Country and Kamala Harris

Kirk addresses the audience, highlighting the importance of patriotism and standing up for freedom in a time of political and cultural turmoil. He criticizes Kamala Harris, the current Vice President, and her policies, arguing that she represents a communist ideology that threatens the future of America.

Worldview vs. Personality: The Importance of Policy

Kirk emphasizes the importance of understanding the worldviews of political candidates, arguing that policy matters more than personality. He contrasts Donald Trump's worldview, which he believes is rooted in American exceptionalism and traditional values, with Kamala Harris's worldview, which he sees as destructive and anti-American.

A Call to Action: Repentance and Revival

Kirk calls on the audience to fight for their state and their country, urging them to repent for their past sins and to embrace a revival of faith and patriotism. He believes that Hispanic Americans, who have been taken advantage of by the Democratic Party, will eventually see the truth and join the conservative movement.

The Importance of Voting and Standing Up for What's Right

Kirk warns of the potential consequences of electing Kamala Harris, comparing her policies to those of Jimmy Carter, which led to economic hardship and social unrest. He emphasizes the importance of voting for policies that align with one's worldview and not simply for personality.

The Choice Between Freedom and Slavery

Kirk draws a parallel between the current political climate and the biblical story of the Israelites in Egypt, arguing that the American people are facing a choice between freedom and slavery. He criticizes Kamala Harris's policies as a form of modern-day slavery, offering a false promise of security and comfort in exchange for surrendering individual liberty.

Q&A Session: Addressing Audience Concerns

The podcast transitions into a Q&A session, where Charlie Kirk answers questions from the audience on a variety of topics, including the influence of powerful individuals and organizations, dealing with liberal teachers, and responding to transgender ideology.

The Rise of Paganism and the Need for Christian Resistance

Kirk discusses the growing influence of paganism in Western culture, citing the opening ceremony of the Olympics as an example. He argues that Christians need to stand up against this trend and refuse to support organizations and individuals who promote anti-Christian values.

Fighting for the State Legislature and Unifying Against Tyranny

Kirk encourages the audience to actively engage in the political process, urging them to become a constant presence in the state legislature and to fight against un-Christian legislation. He emphasizes the importance of relentless advocacy and exposure of the actions of those in power.

The Fight for America: A Call to Action

Kirk reiterates the importance of fighting for America, emphasizing that the upcoming election is a crucial moment in the country's history. He defines "fight" as living a life of faith, family, and personal responsibility, and encourages the audience to stand up for their beliefs, even when it is difficult.


Kamala Harris

The current Vice President of the United States, criticized by Charlie Kirk for her policies and worldview.


A person's fundamental beliefs and values that shape their understanding of the world and their political views.


Love for and devotion to one's country, often expressed through support for its values, institutions, and flag.


The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrances.

Communist Ideology

A political and economic system that advocates for a classless society and the abolition of private property.


A broad term encompassing various religious and spiritual practices that predate Christianity and Judaism, often characterized by polytheism, nature worship, and animism.

Transgender Ideology

A set of beliefs and practices that challenge traditional gender norms and advocate for the recognition and acceptance of transgender identities.


The process of a state or region breaking up into smaller, often hostile, units. It refers to the fragmentation of a country or territory into smaller, independent states.


  • What is your take on the influence of powerful individuals and organizations like George Soros, the Rothschilds, and the World Economic Forum?

    Charlie Kirk believes that these individuals and organizations are part of a larger network that seeks to undermine Western civilization and promote a one-world government. He sees them as agents of Satan, working to destroy traditional values and national sovereignty.

  • How can Christians respond to the growing influence of paganism in Western culture?

    Charlie Kirk believes that Christians need to take a stand against paganism and refuse to support organizations and individuals who promote anti-Christian values. He encourages Christians to build their own institutions, such as schools and businesses, and to actively engage in the political process to protect their religious freedom.

  • How can Christians effectively fight against un-Christian legislation and policies in their state?

    Charlie Kirk encourages Christians to become a constant presence in the state legislature, attending hearings, organizing events, and advocating for their beliefs. He emphasizes the importance of relentless advocacy and exposure of the actions of those in power.

  • What is the best way to respond to people who identify as transgender?

    Charlie Kirk advises Christians to be loving and compassionate but to avoid affirming transgender identities. He believes that transgender ideology is a mental health issue that should be addressed through therapy and counseling, not through medical interventions or social affirmation.

  • What is the most important issue facing New Mexico, and how can it be addressed?

    Charlie Kirk believes that crime is the most pressing issue facing New Mexico. He encourages residents to arm themselves for self-defense and to hold their elected officials accountable for failing to address the problem.

  • How can young people stand up for their beliefs in a school environment where they are often silenced or pressured to conform?

    Charlie Kirk encourages young people to stand firm in their beliefs and to exercise their First Amendment rights. He advises them to be respectful but assertive, and to be prepared to face consequences for their convictions.

  • What is the most important thing that Christians can do to fight for America?

    Charlie Kirk believes that the most important thing Christians can do is to live a life of faith, family, and personal responsibility. He encourages them to be active in their communities, to vote for candidates who align with their values, and to stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult.

  • How can young Christians effectively evangelize on college campuses?

    The speaker emphasizes that the most effective way to evangelize is through personal behavior and living a Christian lifestyle. They suggest starting with one's friend circle and demonstrating generosity, joy, and love for beautiful things.

  • How can a young person confront authority figures on corruption?

    The speaker advises young people to handle themselves with composure, articulate their message clearly, and stay focused on the issue. They encourage them to ignore attempts to discredit them and stick to their point.

Show Notes

Enjoy Charlie's speech from Legacy Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He discusses the race against Kamala, the right way to pray for America, and how we can determine what "God's Plan" really is. He takes questions questions on where strong Christians have gone, idolatry, and more.

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How Can We Know God's Plan for the Country? My Speech at Legacy Church

How Can We Know God's Plan for the Country? My Speech at Legacy Church

Charlie Kirk