DiscoverEmPowered Couples with The FreemansHow Your Psychology Helps OR Hinders Your Marriage (Perception & Memory Bias): Episode 333
How Your Psychology Helps OR Hinders Your Marriage (Perception & Memory Bias): Episode 333

How Your Psychology Helps OR Hinders Your Marriage (Perception & Memory Bias): Episode 333

Update: 2024-03-051


You don’t often “think about your own psychology”, life is just happening and you are responding. So when it comes to interactions with your partner, it's easy to defend yourself when your perspective is brought into question. The cycle continues when you go back and forth about who remembers events more accurately.

Your perception and memory are all a part of your psychology. These are actually very complex cognitive functions that can  easily make errors and include bias you are not even aware of. In this episode we intend to share some of these errors and biases with the intent that you loosen the grip you have on being right and be willing to be more flexible with your own perception to bring more understanding into your marriage.


Resources For Your Relationship:

1. Join the  "Prioritize Us" Couples Challenge starting April 1st, 2024 - the 30 day challenge for couples to simplify how to make positive changes in their marriage and prioritize loving actions and respectful communication.

2. STEPS TO REBUILD A MARRIAGE GUIDE: A step-by-step guide to the process of rebuilding a marriage after a hard and prolonged season of disconnect or hurt. It’s the Rebuild a Marriage Guide and it’s only $19.

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How Your Psychology Helps OR Hinders Your Marriage (Perception & Memory Bias): Episode 333

How Your Psychology Helps OR Hinders Your Marriage (Perception & Memory Bias): Episode 333

Jocelyn & Aaron Freeman