How to Move From Journalism into Communications
Every year across the world, hundreds of journalists move from the newsroom or the classroom into the world of PR, communications, or marketing.
The good ones possess great storytelling skills, and know how to get information out of people.
However, communications and marketing are very different worlds form journalism, and journalists must develop a whole new set of traits to succeed in these industries. For example, patience, diplomacy, likability, and teamwork are highly valued in comms and marketing.
If you're a journalist thinking about making the move, Nick Meir has a lot of guidance and pointers for you in this episode.
He also discusses current issues in communications, working with the c-suite, and employee engagement.
Nick moved from being a journalist at the BBC into communications. He held various roles before launching his own agency, A House Called Alice, based in London, UK. Nick delivers executive coaching, training, and corporate journalism for several high-profile global clients.
You can find Nick on LinkedIn.