DiscoverThe Asian Mental Health PodcastHow to stop comparing yourself to others.
How to stop comparing yourself to others.

How to stop comparing yourself to others.

Update: 2024-07-01


👋Welcome back to the Asian Mental Health podcast!

Behind every win, lies a series of failures that we’ve all had to overcome. This episode talks about how we can quieten that persistent voice of self-comparison.

Please note that this episode involves conversations about mental ill-health which may be triggering to some.


In episode 6, we’re joined by Dr Belle Lim who’s a diversity and inclusion advocate, consultant and speaker. She’s the founder of Future Forte, an initiative that's supported over 2,500 international students and multicultural women focusing on gender equity and youth leadership. She also holds a PhD degree at Monash University and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre on the topic of breast cancer genetics. AND, Belle’s been recognised as the Victorian International Student of the Year in 2019, Victoria Volunteering Leadership Award Finalist 2022, Asia Society's Asia Game Changer Finalist 2023, and Global Citizen Youth Leader Award in 2024… to name just a few.

As someone who’s already achieved so much, with perhaps many people comparing themselves and wondering how she could possibly do it all… we knew that Belle was the perfect guest to help us answer this question which was submitted to us by a Shapes and Sounds community member:

I'm so stressed out by the pressure to grind and keep up with others' lifestyles/purchases! Is this what people mean by capitalism and neoliberalism? Help me make sense of this please.”

You’ll also hear about:

💡The story behind Belle’s successes that include mental health challenges, loneliness and disconnection

💡How the experience of being an international student impacted her mental health

💡How Belle had the courage to let go of different career paths and interests and the steps she took to find and connect with her values

💡How Belle turned her challenges into creating support, opportunities and connection for others via her organisation, Future Forte

💡Marcus’ secret love of LinkedIn

You can read the full transcript ⁠here⁠.

And, connect with Belle on LinkedIn or at Future Forte.

🎨If you’re an international student from Asia based in Melbourne, you might be interested in our Creative Community Care series where our art and music therapists will help you relax, focus and express your emotions! Find out more here.


As we’re brand new, we’d love for you to help us in three ways:

  • Download this episode so you can refer back to it when you need!

  • Join us in our mission of destigmatising mental health conversations in Asian communities by sharing this episode with your friends and family

  • Connect with us on instagram ⁠@justshapesandsounds⁠

🌱You can learn more about Shapes and Sounds at our website: ⁠⁠


This podcast is proudly supported by the Victorian Department of Health via the Diverse Communities Program however all the thoughts and ideas you hear are independently ours and our guests. 


This podcast talks about mental health and answers questions directly from our community. However, all information provided is shared as general information only and does not replace individualised mental health care. Please always consult with your trusted GP when making changes to your mental health care plan. 

Lastly, as we’re discussing mental health, some of the conversations might be difficult or painful to listen to. If so, we encourage you to press pause on the episode and if it feels right, return to it at another point in time.


🫶PS. Keen to submit a question for future episodes of the Asian Mental Health podcast? Share your question with us here.









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How to stop comparing yourself to others.

How to stop comparing yourself to others.

Shapes and Sounds