INSIGHT PLATORMS - Mike Stevens, Founder. How will synthetic data impact research and innovation? The three signs an insights company is going to fail (or succeed); augmented/ conversational survey software; the risks of banality in AI analysis.
Do we really need humans for insight? Will synthetic data grow or destroy the insights market? What on earth is synthetic data? Check out the latest FutureView interviews with the brilliant Mike Stevens of Insight Platforms to get a great overview of one the most important new areas that will affect everyone and anyone involved with insight and data analytics.
Among other areas we cover:
- The evolution of Insight Platforms
- The importance of adding business context to insights
- Characteristics of insights companies who fail (and succeed)
- Definitions of synthetic data
- Prospective limitations of synthetic data
- Conversational/ augmented surveys
- The impact of LLM based analysis on the insights sector
All episodes available at
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