DiscoverDemocracy Now! AudioInside the Brutal Siege of Jenin: Israel Targets Children, Journalists & Civilian Infrastructure
Inside the Brutal Siege of Jenin: Israel Targets Children, Journalists & Civilian Infrastructure

Inside the Brutal Siege of Jenin: Israel Targets Children, Journalists & Civilian Infrastructure

Update: 2024-09-09


This podcast delves into the complex and dangerous reality of reporting from Jinnin, a town in the occupied West Bank, where the Israeli military actively obstructs media access and targets Palestinian civilians. Journalist Mariam Bargouti shares her experiences, highlighting the obstacles she faces, including checkpoints, sniper fire, and intimidation tactics. She discusses the legacy of Shereen Abulakla, a Palestinian journalist killed by an Israeli sniper in 2022, and the pattern of Israeli military targeting of Palestinian journalists. The podcast explores the growing perception that Jinnin is becoming "another Gaza," with the Israeli military employing similar tactics of violence and oppression in both areas. Mariam discusses the Israeli goal of creating a "greater Israel" and the parallels between the violence in Gaza and the West Bank. She also highlights the role of international solidarity activists in challenging Israeli actions and the need for international intervention, including an arms embargo and accountability for killings. The podcast further examines the devastating impact of Israeli actions on Palestinian society, particularly the targeting of children and the denial of education. Mariam discusses the use of kill shots and the intentional targeting of children, emphasizing the psychological toll on Palestinian youth. She also highlights the closure of schools in Gaza and the targeting of universities in the West Bank, emphasizing the denial of Palestinian children's right to learn and imagine a different future. Finally, the podcast explores the motivations of Palestinian combatants in Jinnin, highlighting their lack of resources and training compared to the Israeli military. Mariam discusses their desire to escape the cycle of imprisonment and torture and their resistance in the face of oppression. She also analyzes the significance of recent protests in Israel, highlighting the focus on the release of Israeli hostages and the lack of concern for Palestinian lives.


Reporting from Jinnin: Obstacles and Dangers

Mariam Bargouti, a Palestinian journalist, describes the challenges of reporting from Jinnin, a town in the occupied West Bank. She highlights the Israeli military's obstruction of media access, including checkpoints and sniper fire. She also mentions the use of bulldozers to intimidate journalists, drawing parallels to the case of Rachel Corey.

Targeting of Journalists and the Legacy of Shereen Abulakla

Mariam discusses the shooting of journalists in Jinnin, including Mujahid, who was present when Shereen Abulakla was killed by an Israeli sniper in 2022. She emphasizes the pattern of Israeli military targeting of Palestinian journalists, citing arrests and the use of live ammunition against reporters.

Jinnin: Another Gaza?

Mariam shares the perspective of a Palestinian who anonymously described Jinnin as "another Gaza," highlighting the fear of mass arrests and the perception that Israel is aiming to depopulate Palestinian areas. She explains the Israeli goal of creating a "greater Israel" and the parallels between the violence in Gaza and the West Bank.

International Solidarity Activists and the Need for Intervention

Mariam discusses the killing of Isonard Eski Agui, a Turkish-American solidarity activist, by Israeli soldiers during a protest against settler expansion in Beita. She highlights the significance of international solidarity activists in challenging Israeli actions and the need for international intervention, including an arms embargo and accountability for killings.



A town in the occupied West Bank, known for its recent siege and the Israeli military's violent crackdown on Palestinian residents.

Shereen Abulakla

A renowned Palestinian-American journalist for Al Jazeera, killed by an Israeli sniper in 2022 while covering a protest in Jinnin. Her death sparked international outrage and highlighted the dangers faced by journalists in the region.

Settler Violence

Acts of aggression and violence perpetrated by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, often with the tacit approval or support of the Israeli government.

Human Shields

The practice of using civilians, often Palestinians, as a shield against potential attacks, a tactic employed by the Israeli military in the occupied territories.


The state of being exempt from punishment or legal consequences, often used to describe the lack of accountability for Israeli actions against Palestinians.


The deliberate removal or displacement of a population from a particular area, often through violence, intimidation, or other coercive measures.

Greater Israel

A term used to describe the expansionist ambitions of some Israeli political groups, aiming to annex more Palestinian land and create a larger Israeli state.

International Solidarity Movement (ISM)

An international organization that promotes nonviolent resistance to Israeli occupation and supports Palestinian rights.

Arms Embargo

A ban on the sale or transfer of weapons to a particular country or region, often used as a tool to pressure governments to change their policies.


  • What are the main challenges faced by journalists reporting from Jinnin?

    Journalists face significant obstacles, including checkpoints, sniper fire, and intimidation tactics by the Israeli military. They also risk being targeted by settlers and face restrictions on their access to information.

  • How does the Israeli military's targeting of journalists impact the reporting of events in Jinnin?

    The targeting of journalists creates a climate of fear and intimidation, hindering their ability to gather information and report on the situation accurately. It also contributes to a lack of accountability for Israeli actions.

  • What is the significance of the statement "Jinnin is another Gaza"?

    This statement reflects the growing perception that Israel is employing similar tactics of violence and oppression in both Gaza and the West Bank, aiming to depopulate Palestinian areas and expand its control.

  • What role do international solidarity activists play in challenging Israeli actions?

    International solidarity activists raise awareness of Israeli human rights violations and provide support to Palestinians. They also challenge the narrative of Israeli "self-defense" by highlighting the brutality of the occupation.

  • How does the killing of children in Gaza and the West Bank impact Palestinian society?

    The killing of children is a strategic act aimed at destroying the future of Palestinian society. It traumatizes entire generations and creates a climate of fear and despair.

  • What is the significance of the recent protests in Israel?

    While the protests highlight the Israeli public's concern for the safety of their hostages, they are seen as legitimizing Israeli violence against Palestinians and failing to address the broader issues of the occupation.

Show Notes

We continue our conversation with Palestinian journalist Mariam Barghouti on Israel’s deadly raid on Jenin and other areas of the occupied West Bank. Watch Part 1 here.








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Inside the Brutal Siege of Jenin: Israel Targets Children, Journalists & Civilian Infrastructure

Inside the Brutal Siege of Jenin: Israel Targets Children, Journalists & Civilian Infrastructure

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