DiscoverThe Obesity Guide with Matthea Rentea MDIs Your ADHD Brain Sabotaging Your Weight Goals? with Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh
Is Your ADHD Brain Sabotaging Your Weight Goals? with Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh

Is Your ADHD Brain Sabotaging Your Weight Goals? with Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh

Update: 2024-09-02


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With almost one-third of Americans struggling with obesity, most of us recognize just how serious the issue is. What often gets overlooked, though, is the lesser-known connection between ADHD and obesity. In my practice, where about 60% of patients have ADD or ADHD, I see firsthand how ADHD complicates weight management. Impulsivity and erratic eating habits mean that people with ADHD may skip meals due to distraction, only to overeat later in the day, often reaching for high-calorie, quick fixes.

In this episode, I’m joined by Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh, who has navigated her own ADHD journey and now helps others thrive with the condition. Together, we dive into how ADHD affects eating behaviors and weight management, sharing practical strategies for managing weight effectively and exploring the impact of ADHD medication on appetite. While we focus on ADHD, the insights and strategies we cover are valuable for anyone looking to enhance their relationship with food and improve weight management.


ADHD Live Coach Website

Follow Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh on LinkedIn

Beyond ADHD: A Physician’s Perspective Podcast

 Michell Clark's Instagram

Audio Stamps

01:40 - Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh and Dr. Rentea discuss how embracing personal challenges—ADHD for Mercado-Marmarosh and weight struggles for Dr. Rentea—has empowered them in their medical careers.

13:38 -
Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh digs into three practical strategies for managing ADHD: effective planning, using timers, and tools for emotional regulation.

42:00 -
Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh and Dr. Rentea discuss how ADHD medications can affect appetite and eating patterns and how GLP-1 medications can be effective in reducing urges and cravings.

50:11 -
Dr. Rentea shares her top three tips on managing weight with ADHD.


“Embracing my ADHD was actually the best thing that I could have done for myself and for those around me because it gets you to realize that you're not broken, you just think a little bit differently.” - Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh

“About 60% of my patients have either ADD or ADHD.” - Dr. Rentea

“A lot of people have this misconception that ADHD equals dumb or ADHD equals not smart or ADHD equals lazy.” - Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh

“A timer is your best friend, whether it's to initiate a task, whether it's to  try to complete a task, or whether it's just to give you awareness.” Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh

“Do what works for you because in the end, a lot of us don't ask or advocate for what we need because we're worried about what other people are doing in our clinic. Let them do them and you do you.” - Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh

All of the information on this podcast is for general informational purposes only. Please talk to your physician and medical team about what is right for you. No medical advice is being on this podcast.

If you live in Indiana or Illinois and want to work with doctor Matthea Rentea, you can find out more on

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Is Your ADHD Brain Sabotaging Your Weight Goals? with Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh

Is Your ADHD Brain Sabotaging Your Weight Goals? with Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh

Matthea Rentea MD