DiscoverTeam Never QuitJR Vezain: Professional Bareback Rider, Horse Trainer, Husband, Father
JR Vezain: Professional Bareback Rider, Horse Trainer, Husband, Father

JR Vezain: Professional Bareback Rider, Horse Trainer, Husband, Father

Update: 2020-12-16


If ever there was a “never quit” story to tell, it’s this guy – JR Vezain. JR delivers the details of his harrowing, life-altering bareback bronco rodeo disaster. He is experiencing “a miracle in the works”, and has an uncanny peace with his injury, because he truly believes that his recovery is on the way. His aspiration is to be an inspiration to young up and comers that would fill his shoes. Although unable to walk, he carries on with life with his wife and young son – riding horses and 4-wheelers, roping cattle, and moving bales of hay. If you could use some encouragement and a positive story for a change, you’ve come to the right place.
 In this episode you will hear:

  • After my first in-chute rodeo accident, I had a “come to Jesus”, and turned my life around.

  • I will receive a miracle and walk again someday.

  • I’ve accepted the challenge and accepted the situation. I have not grown complacent with where I’m at.

  • I haven’t accepted that this is the rest of my life because I don’t believe that.

  • All I need is a slight or slim chance.

  • You gotta visualize and not quit.

  • I don’t think that any of my past life or sins resulted in punishment from God.

  • We’ve been blessed beyond measure.

  • Life hasn’t changed, but my goals have changed.

  • I no longer want to win a world tile – I want to walk again.

  • My biggest struggle is accepting help.

  • There hasn’t been one thing I haven’t been able to accomplish post-injury that I couldn’t get done before. I just had to find other ways to do it.

  • My horses have melted to me because they know something’s up.

  • Be careful what you’re complaining about. There’s somebody out there praying to have what you have.

  • Excuses are like assholes – they all stink. Find ways to overcome.

  • Never give up… dig in, dig deep, and don’t weaken.

  • I’m gonna try to be the best husband I can be, the best father I can be, and make the best version of myself as I continue on this journey. 

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JR Vezain: Professional Bareback Rider, Horse Trainer, Husband, Father

JR Vezain: Professional Bareback Rider, Horse Trainer, Husband, Father

Marcus Luttrell and Andrew Brockenbush