Katrina Botimer of Carpet Advantage - Learns from Online Scammer
Katrina Botimer, owner of Carpet Advantage in Willoughby, OH, joins us to talk about running a carpet cleaning business and struggles that have contributed to their success. Katrina jumped at the chance to share her story and has been a big advocate of our the podcast. She arrived bearing gifts for Kirk's birthday as well as an original work of art she created for us.
In this episode Katrina, a cancer survivor, reflects on the concept that, quite literally - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And she shares a story of caution we all should heed to keep from getting scammed online. These online criminals are getting better and better at convincing us to give them access to our computers and bank information. Follow her advice for avoiding these scams and what to do when you think you've mistakenly given a bad actor sensitive information to your business.
If you manage an apartment complex or other carpeted building and are looking for a reliable carpet cleaning company, one that is super responsive and efficient, reach out to Katrina Botimer on LinkedIn, Facebook or their website: https://www.carpet-advantage.com/
Special thanks to Katrina Botimer of Carpet Advantage.
Our hosts: Kirk Teets of Cleveland Custom Coatings and Kim Kitchen of Burning River Marketing.
Produced by Cleveland Podcast Production in Westlake, Ohio.