Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby: The Narrow Road of Truth, The Broad Path of Tradition
Update: 2024-11-18
[Original airdate: 6/28/24] We welcome back Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby of Once Lost Ministries, apologists and evangelists who work tirelessly to bring truth and clarity to those caught up in false teaching. Today we discuss the Catholic faith and the various aspects that are unscriptural: Tradition, relics, sacraments, purgatory, and veneration of Mary. With all the religious aspects, extra-biblical focus and gospel of good works, how is it that a Catholic can never be assured of salvation? There is a lot of busy-ness, as in all religions, but none of it ever seems to produce the fruit of repentance and a biblical understanding of the new birth. We also discuss the ecumenical bent that has long been part of this huge denomination but we have to ask ourselves, to what end? Dominionism, or something more sneaky - the desire to bring all Protestants "home to Rome". A thoughtful discussion that will hopefully open eyes to the vanity of religiousity.
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