LIB 117 - Trans & ABDL (Part Deux)
As we wrap up Pride month 2024, we want to talk about what it’s like being trans in the ABDL community! My guests are @ABDLPedro_1925(IG)/Pedro_Luis-DL(FL),
@AmanitaDreams (IG/FL) and @hbananer(FL)/hbananer09(IG) and together we dig into topics like the overlap between gender and kink journeys, the intersection of trans and ABDL, issues that trans people in the community face, and what it’s like navigating both a trans identity *and* an ABDL kink at the same time. It’s a fabulous discussion, full of tons of learning and a lot of fun along the way!
Here are the resources we reference in this episode—
Are Neurodivrse People More Likely to be Kinky?
Sex & Psychology Podcast
Dr. Liam Wignall - “Kinky In the Digital Age”
A Short History of Trans Misogny - Jules Gill-Peterson
Come As You Are - Emily Nagoski
The Transgender Issue - An Argument for Justice - Shon Faye