

Update: 2022-07-12


Whether you are a recent student or you are an experienced chiropractor just venturing into owning your own practice, it all starts with the Launch.  In this episode, Dr. Cliff and Dr. Joe take a deeper dive in the first season of the Practice, Launch. With over 50 clinic launches, they will discuss how to avoid the biggest pitfalls that new, and even older, entrepreneurs stumble into when starting out.


Listen as they discuss these questions and more:

  • How do How to protect yourself from running out of capital? Where do you spend those initial dollars to get the biggest bang for your dollar?
  • What are the most costly errors during launch and how do you avoid them?
  • How are you doing in Procedures, Flow, Team, and Communication? Where are your strengths and weaknesses and most importantly blind spots!!??
  • When you find that ‘unicorn” team member, how do you keep them?
  • What policies should be in place to build your team?
  • Are you justifying your care by spending too much time adjusting or talking to patients?
  • Why should you create expectations and agreements with team members and patients?

Download the pdf here:

About the Hosts:

Dr. Clifford J Fisher

Dr. Cliff Fisher – Owns several offices all over the US and has a coaching business Dream Leadership Institute to help people find the greatest version of themselves. He will help you get to a foundational understanding to create the business and life that align with your being.  


Dr. Joseph Esposito, CEO

Dr. Joseph Esposito, D.C., C.C.N. C.N.S., C.C.S.P., D.A.B.C.N., F.A.A.I.M. C.T.N., is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of AlignLife. As such, he is responsible for the direction of AlignLife as it expands further across a dynamic and rapidly changing health care landscape. Dr. Esposito has more than 20 years of experience in a broad range of businesses, including chiropractic, nutrition, technology, and internet marketing.

Dr. Esposito has extensive post-graduate academic accomplishments, as well as 15 years of experience managing successful chiropractic clinics in multiple states. He also is founder and CEO of Aceva LLC, a service-based nutritional company providing products and services to the AlignLife clinics. As the former CFO of an internet publishing company, Dr. Esposito understands the power of leveraging the internet to impact the lives of millions of Americans.


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Dr. Clifford Fisher