DiscoverVOA Learning English Podcast - VOA Learning EnglishLearning English Podcast - August 26, 2024
Learning English Podcast - August 26, 2024

Learning English Podcast - August 26, 2024

Update: 2024-08-267


This episode of Learning English begins with an introduction to the program and its focus on helping English learners. It then dives into a report on Catholic Benedictine nuns in Kansas who are using their investments to push large companies to change their policies on issues like human rights, government influence, and drug pricing. The episode then shifts to a science report about NASA's launch of a satellite called Tanager One, equipped with an imaging spectrometer to measure carbon and methane levels globally. The data collected by the satellite will be used to identify sources of these emissions and help fight climate change. The episode further explores the vocabulary used in the science report, explaining terms like "emission," "emitter," "reflect," and "extract" in the context of climate change and environmental science. The episode concludes with a segment on a new program for children called "Let's Learn English with Ana," which aims to teach children American English through interactive questions, answers, and fun situations. Finally, the episode takes listeners to Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas, highlighting its unique features, including natural thermal baths, hiking trails, and scenic mountain roads, offering a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.


Corporate Change, Climate Change, and Relaxation

This episode explores how nuns are advocating for corporate change, NASA's new satellite to measure carbon and methane levels, and the relaxing retreat of Hot Springs National Park.

Nuns Advocate for Corporate Change

Catholic Benedictine nuns in Kansas are using their investments to push large companies to change their policies on issues like human rights, government influence, and drug pricing.

NASA Launches Satellite to Measure Carbon and Methane Levels

NASA has launched a satellite called Tanager One equipped with an imaging spectrometer to measure carbon and methane levels globally. The data will be used to identify sources of these emissions and help fight climate change.

Learning English for Children and Relaxation

VOA Learning English has launched a new program for children called "Let's Learn English with Ana," and the episode concludes with a segment on Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas, highlighting its unique features, including natural thermal baths, hiking trails, and scenic mountain roads, offering a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.



The release of something, especially gas or radiation, into the atmosphere. It is often used in the context of climate change to describe harmful gases that contribute to environmental problems.


The source or person that releases something, such as gas or radiation. It is often used in the context of climate change to identify the sources of harmful emissions.


To send back or bounce off of something, such as light reflecting off a surface. In the context of the Tanager One satellite, it describes how the instrument measures light wavelengths to identify sources of carbon and methane.


To take something out or remove something from a source. In the context of climate change, it refers to the extraction of coal, oil, and natural gas for energy production, which contributes to carbon emissions.

Super Emitter

A source that releases a large amount of methane, often exceeding 100 kilograms per hour. These sources contribute significantly to methane emissions and are a major focus for reducing climate change.

Thermal Mineral Waters

Water heated by geothermal activity and containing dissolved minerals. These waters are often used for therapeutic bathing and are believed to have health benefits.


A type of rock formed by the precipitation of calcium carbonate from water. In Hot Springs National Park, Tufa formations are a result of the flowing springs over thousands of years.


  • What are the Benedictine nuns in Kansas doing to advocate for corporate change?

    The nuns are using their investments to push large companies to change their policies on issues like human rights, government influence, and drug pricing. They believe that corporations have a responsibility to act ethically and sustainably.

  • How does the Tanager One satellite help fight climate change?

    The satellite is equipped with an imaging spectrometer that measures carbon and methane levels globally. This data will help identify sources of these emissions and provide information for policymakers to reduce pollution.

  • What are some of the key vocabulary words used in the science report about the Tanager One satellite?

    Key vocabulary words include "emission," "emitter," "reflect," and "extract." These terms are important for understanding the science behind climate change and the satellite's mission.

  • What makes Hot Springs National Park unique?

    Hot Springs National Park is unique because it is located within a city and features natural thermal baths. Visitors can enjoy relaxing in the warm waters, hiking scenic trails, and exploring the park's rich history.

Show Notes

On today’s podcast, Catholic religious workers aim to change business policies as investors; a satellite is launched that will measure greenhouse gasses from factories and farms followed by a discussion of ‘emissions’; then, Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas.








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Learning English Podcast - August 26, 2024

Learning English Podcast - August 26, 2024

VOA Learning English