DiscoverVOA Learning English Podcast - VOA Learning EnglishLearning English Podcast - September 15, 2024
Learning English Podcast - September 15, 2024

Learning English Podcast - September 15, 2024

Update: 2024-09-152


This podcast delves into various topics, starting with the controversy surrounding the use of AI to reproduce the voice of the late James Earl Jones. It examines the concerns of voice actors about AI replacing their jobs and the potential for fair compensation for AI-based performances. The podcast then transitions to a grammar lesson, explaining the difference between "perhaps" and "maybe" in American English. It highlights the use of "maybe" in spoken language and "perhaps" in formal writing. The podcast then explores the figurative meaning of "North Star" and "load star" as guiding principles or inspirations in life. It discusses how these terms can represent personal missions, moral compasses, and sources of direction and meaning. The podcast concludes with a continuation of the story of the Rue Morgue murders, focusing on the arrival of the orangutan's owner. The owner, a sailor, reveals that the orangutan escaped from its cage and committed the murders. He describes the events leading up to the murders and his own escape from the scene.


AI, Voice Acting, and the Future of Performance

This chapter discusses the death of James Earl Jones and the controversy surrounding his decision to allow AI to reproduce his voice for new projects. It explores the concerns of voice actors about AI replacing their jobs and the potential for AI agreements that fairly compensate actors for AI-based performances.

Grammar Lesson: "Perhaps" vs. "Maybe"

This chapter features Andrew Smith answering a question from Renata in Brazil about the difference between "perhaps" and "maybe." He explains that both words mean the same thing but are used differently in American English, with "maybe" being more common in spoken language and "perhaps" being more formal in written English.

The Power of Guiding Principles: North Star and Load Star

This chapter explores the figurative meaning of "North Star" and "load star" as guiding principles or inspirations in life. It discusses how these terms can represent personal missions, moral compasses, and sources of direction and meaning.

The Rue Morgue Murders: The Orangutan's Confession

This chapter continues the story of the Rue Morgue murders, as Dupin and his friend await the arrival of the orangutan's owner. The owner, a sailor, reveals that the orangutan escaped from his cage and committed the murders. He describes the events leading up to the murders and his own escape from the scene.


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by computer systems. It encompasses various techniques, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing, to enable computers to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Voice Acting

Voice acting is the art of performing using only one's voice. It involves conveying emotions, characters, and narratives through vocal delivery, intonation, and sound effects. Voice actors are employed in various media, including films, television, video games, animation, and audiobooks.

North Star

In a figurative sense, a North Star represents a guiding principle, inspiration, or goal that provides direction and meaning in life. It can be a personal mission, a moral compass, a belief system, or any other significant element that helps individuals stay focused and on track.

Load Star

Similar to a North Star, a load star serves as a guiding light or inspiration. It can be a person, a concept, or a value that provides direction and motivation. The term emphasizes the importance of having a guiding force in times of difficulty or uncertainty.


Orangutans are large, arboreal primates native to the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. They are known for their intelligence, social behavior, and distinctive reddish-brown fur. Orangutans are critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching.

Rue Morgue Murders

The Rue Morgue Murders is a fictional story by Edgar Allan Poe, featuring the detective C. Auguste Dupin. The story revolves around the gruesome murders of two women in a Parisian apartment, and Dupin's investigation that leads to the discovery of the killer, an escaped orangutan.


Grammar is the set of rules that govern the structure and use of a language. It encompasses aspects such as word order, verb conjugation, and punctuation. Understanding grammar is essential for effective communication and writing.

English Language

English is a West Germanic language that originated in England and is now spoken worldwide. It is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with over 1.5 billion speakers.


  • What are the concerns of voice actors regarding the use of AI in their industry?

    Voice actors are concerned that AI could replace their jobs, as the technology can reproduce one performance into many, potentially reducing the need for human voice actors.

  • How does the use of "perhaps" and "maybe" differ in American English?

    While both words express uncertainty, "maybe" is more common in spoken language, while "perhaps" is more formal and often used in written English.

  • What is the significance of the North Star and load star as figurative terms?

    These terms represent guiding principles, inspirations, or goals that provide direction and meaning in life. They can be personal missions, moral compasses, or sources of motivation and purpose.

  • How did the orangutan's owner become involved in the Rue Morgue murders?

    The orangutan escaped from its cage and attacked the two women in the Rue Morgue, killing them. The owner, a sailor, witnessed the attack but was unable to stop it. He fled the scene and later contacted Dupin through a newspaper ad.

Show Notes

On the weekend podcast, James Earl Jones’ voice lives on through AI; we answer a listener’s question about ‘perhaps’ and ‘maybe;’ what is your ‘North Star?’ followed by a discussion on VOA Learning English; the final part of 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue,' by Edgar Allen Poe on American Stories.








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Learning English Podcast - September 15, 2024

Learning English Podcast - September 15, 2024

VOA Learning English