Lifestyle Medicine Week: Treating the source, not the symptoms
This week is Lifestyle Medicine week, May 29-June 4. A week of the global celebration of healthy behaviors and a public awareness campaign on the impact our choices have on chronic diseases.
Lifestyle Medicine has given me so much hope and I will like to share how in this episode how Lifestyle Medicine is the foundation for a redesigned, value-based and equitable healthcare delivery system, leading to whole-person health.
Highlights of this episode:
✨Lifestyle Medicine and its pillar.
✨The role of Lifestyle Medicine in our homes and communities.
✨Share my family's triumphant outcomes by applying Lifestyle Medicine principles in my home.
I know you want that for yourself and your family and community so please take a listen and share this episode with others within your community. #sharingiscaring. #healthiertogether
Cheers to a Happy and Healthier Lifestyle. 🥂
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#healthyhabits, #lifestylemedicine, #chronicdisease, #healthcaretransformation, #lmweek #lifestyleismedicine, #behaviorchange, #lifestylechange, #lifestylemedicine, #lifestyleismedicine #healthyliving #lifemedglobal #drbabs, #livingatyourfinest,