Live from TAPPICon 2023: Episode 2
TAPPICon 2023 was a huge success with attendees and exhibitors. Boasting high attendance and a top-notch program, the conference offered plenty for attendees, including a multi-track technical program and an exhibit floor packed with new technology. The event took place April 22 - 26, 2023 at Cobb Galleria in Atlanta, GA.
Better Together Host Jan Bottiglieri was right there at TAPPICon interviewing exhibitors and attendees to capture some of that energy live, while it was happening. The energy and enthusiasm from the folks she met make these interviews lively and informative.
Here are the four professionals you'll meet on this episode of "Better Together"--and just a taste of what they'll be sharing in our conversation:
· Calvin Bembry, Clearwater Paper: "You can't recruit for this industry unless you can really explain to someone what they'll be doing. Recruiters paint pictures."
· Rebecca Boyd, Jedson Engineering: "You can simulate a lot of things virtually that you'd never want to do in person. We make that (technology) part of our work process."
· Alos Almeida, Deublin: "We've been hearing more and more about energy efficiency—not just in North America, but everywhere."
· Tony Tobatto and Tony Magnusen, ABB: "Working with (pulp and paper) customers in 2020—utilizing everything they had on site, trying to do more with less—led us to where we are today."
Here are a few links related to this episode that may interest listeners:
· Learn about the Women in Industry (WIN) Division, and access presentations from past events
· Check out opportunities available with TAPPI's subject-specific Technical Committees
· Read the popular Paper360° article, "Nine Things Your Company Can Do to Find, Keep, and Support Young Talent"
Check out the 2023 highlight real on, then bookmark for updates on next year's TAPPICon, April 28 - May 1, 2024, in Cleveland, OH