Paper360 Better Together - SuperCorrExpo LIVE! Part 1
This special episode of Better Together was recorded during SuperCorrExpo in Orlando, FL, in August 2021. Packaging professionals know SuperCorrExpo as one of the most influential corrugated packaging shows in the Western Hemisphere. We set up our podcast booth on the huge exhibit floor to try to capture some of the energy and enthusiasm generated by this highly anticipated event. To share their perspectives on the corrugated industry and tell us about the innovations on display at SuperCorrExpo, we invited the following professionals to be our guests for the episode:
· Adam Bland, Quantum Ink, who will share why Quantum is passionate about customer service;
· Steve Laszlo, Mitsubishi heavy industries, discussing augmented reality technology;
· George Folickman and Tyler Thompson, Tilia Labs, who will introduce us to Tilea’s Phoenix software system;
· Dr. Ben Frank, PCA, this year’s recipient of TAPPI’s Gunnar Nicholson Gold Medal, who will talk about his process of discovery.
This is the first of two episodes in our “Live from SuperCorrExpo!” series; Part 2 will post next week. In the meantime, view a highlight reel of the event at