Loneliness - The New Epidemic
The U.S. Surgeon General recently released an advisory warning that loneliness has reached epidemic proportions. Why are Americans so lonely? The reasons are numerous and varied, affecting people of all ages and economic brackets. One thing is for certain, the pandemic didn't seem to help people from feeling lonely, and in fact, plunged more and more Americans into a sad and depressed state. Dr. B. breaks down the reasons behind this new epidemic and discusses what can be done to stave off loneliness while offering advice on how to feel more connected to communities, friends, and family.
Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and host Linda Corley break down issues and problems from a mental health perspective. From the incessant stresses of the pandemic to untangling relationship problems, Dr. B's years of experience help piece together the messiest of life's problems.