DiscoverMark Levin PodcastMark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/26/24
Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/26/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/26/24

Update: 2024-07-276


This podcast episode features Mark Levin's scathing critique of Kamala Harris, the current Vice President of the United States. Levin argues that Harris's political ideology is rooted in Marxist principles, particularly her emphasis on "equity" and her support for government intervention in the economy. He highlights her hypocrisy regarding her past actions as a prosecutor and her support for policies that benefit illegal immigrants. Levin also criticizes Harris's radical views on immigration, policing, and other issues, highlighting her support for policies like the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and a federal gun license. He expresses concern about her ties to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which he alleges is a Hamas front group, and her anti-Israel bias. Levin contrasts Harris's radicalism with President Trump's policies, highlighting Trump's strong relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu and his positive impact on Israel. He also criticizes the media's attempts to portray Harris as a moderate and their silence on her record. The episode also features a discussion of the Pennsylvania Senate race between Republican candidate David McCormick and incumbent Democrat Bob Casey. McCormick criticizes Casey's perceived lack of independence, his support for Biden's policies, and his perceived weakness on issues related to Israel and anti-Semitism. He emphasizes the importance of Pennsylvania's energy sector and advocates for a military build-up in the state. Throughout the episode, Levin encourages his listeners to stay positive and fight against the radical left. He calls on them to organize and fight for their country in the upcoming election, and he emphasizes the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity.


Introduction and Personal Update, Advertisement: Advantage Gold

Mark Levin introduces himself and shares that he missed the previous two evenings due to a heart procedure. He expresses gratitude to Johns Hopkins for their care and mentions attending a joint session of Congress where he witnessed Benjamin Netanyahu's speech. He then promotes Advantage Gold, a company specializing in gold and silver investments, emphasizing its importance for financial security and diversification.

Kamala Harris's Marxist Ideology and Hypocrisy

Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris's political ideology, highlighting her embrace of Marxist principles like "equity" and her hypocrisy regarding her past actions as a prosecutor. He plays a montage of Harris's speeches advocating for "equity" and criticizes her for not wanting to debate at the Democratic convention.

The "Border Czar" Myth and Kamala Harris's Record, Advertisement: Advantage Gold

Mark Levin debunks the media's portrayal of Kamala Harris as a "border czar," highlighting that she was never officially appointed to that role and has faced criticism for her lack of action on the border crisis. He discusses her visit to the US-Mexico border and the misinformation surrounding her record. He then reiterates the importance of gold and diversification, particularly in uncertain times, and promotes Advantage Gold as a trusted company for gold and silver investments.

The Media's Propaganda and Kamala Harris's Record, Kamala Harris's Radical Views on Immigration

Mark Levin criticizes the media for their propaganda and hypocrisy regarding Kamala Harris, highlighting their attempts to downplay her past actions and her radical positions. He discusses the media's silence on her record as a prosecutor and her support for policies like "equity" and open borders. He then plays a clip of Kamala Harris declaring that being an undocumented immigrant is not a crime, highlighting her radical views on immigration and her disregard for the rule of law. He criticizes her for her past actions as a prosecutor and her support for policies that benefit illegal immigrants.

The Democrat Party's Language Control and Censorship, Joy Reid's Racism and the Democrat Party's Hypocrisy

Mark Levin discusses the Democrat Party's attempt to control language and censor certain terms, highlighting their efforts to silence criticism of Kamala Harris and their radical policies. He criticizes their use of terms like "equity" and their attempts to redefine words like "woman" and "illegal alien." He then criticizes Joy Reid's racist remarks and the Democrat Party's hypocrisy regarding race and diversity. He plays a clip of Reid's comments about black women and the Democrat Party's use of "equity" as a tool for division and control.

Kamala Harris's Radical Positions on Various Issues, Advertisement: Advantage Gold

Mark Levin highlights Kamala Harris's radical positions on various issues, including climate change, healthcare, and gun control. He plays a montage of her speeches and interviews, showcasing her support for policies like the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and a federal gun license. He then reiterates the importance of gold and diversification, particularly in uncertain times, and promotes Advantage Gold as a trusted company for gold and silver investments.

Kamala Harris: The Most Radical Candidate in American History, Kamala Harris's Ties to Anti-Israel Groups

Mark Levin concludes his analysis of Kamala Harris, labeling her as the most radical, extremist, and anti-American candidate in American history. He criticizes her positions on immigration, Israel, and other issues, and highlights the media's attempts to promote her candidacy. He then discusses Kamala Harris's ties to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization he alleges is a Hamas front group. He highlights her past association with CAIR and their anti-Israel activism, arguing that her record raises concerns among Jewish voters.

Kamala Harris's Radical Views on Policing, Kamala Harris's Hypocrisy on Law and Order, Advertisement: Pure Talk

Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris's radical views on policing, highlighting her support for defunding the police and her belief that "more police equals more safety" is wrong. He plays a clip of her speech on MSNBC where she advocates for demilitarizing police departments and investing in social programs instead. He then exposes Kamala Harris's hypocrisy on law and order, highlighting her past actions as a prosecutor and her current support for policies that undermine law enforcement. He plays a clip of her testimony where she refuses to acknowledge the perception of ICE as being similar to the KKK, despite her previous tough-on-crime stance. He then promotes Pure Talk, a cell phone service provider, highlighting its affordability and reliability. He encourages listeners to switch to Pure Talk and support a company that shares their values.

The Media's Lies About Kamala Harris, Advertisement: Pure Talk

Mark Levin criticizes the media's attempts to portray Kamala Harris as a moderate, highlighting their lies and propaganda regarding her record and her radical positions. He plays a clip of Sunny Hostin from "The View" defending Harris and criticizes her for her lack of substance and her reliance on superficiality. He then promotes Pure Talk, a cell phone service provider, highlighting its affordability and reliability. He encourages listeners to switch to Pure Talk and support a company that shares their values.

President Trump's Relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu, Kamala Harris's Anti-Israel Bias

Mark Levin discusses President Trump's relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu, highlighting their strong bond and the positive impact of Trump's policies on Israel. He plays a clip of Trump's comments about Netanyahu and criticizes the Democrat Party's anti-Israel stance. He then criticizes Kamala Harris's anti-Israel bias, highlighting her comments after Netanyahu's visit to the United States. He criticizes her for her failure to condemn Hamas and her support for organizations that fund terrorism.

Kamala Harris's Radicalism Compared to Bernie Sanders, Advertisement: Pure Talk

Mark Levin discusses a Newsweek article that ranked Kamala Harris as more liberal than Bernie Sanders, highlighting her radical positions on various issues. He criticizes the media's attempts to downplay her extremism and their censorship of information that exposes her true nature. He then promotes Pure Talk, a cell phone service provider, highlighting its affordability and reliability. He encourages listeners to switch to Pure Talk and support a company that shares their values.

Encouragement and a Call to Action, Advertisement: Electronic Payments Coalition

Mark Levin encourages listeners to stay positive and remember that they are not alone in their fight against the radical left. He shares his own personal experiences with health challenges and emphasizes the importance of resilience and perseverance. He calls on listeners to organize and fight for their country in the upcoming election. He then warns about the dangers of the Durban Marshall credit card bill, which he claims could put consumer credit card data at risk of being hacked. He encourages listeners to contact their senators and oppose the bill.

The Harris-Biden Administration's Economic Failures, Kamala Harris's Role in California's Crime Catastrophe

Mark Levin criticizes the Harris-Biden administration's economic failures, highlighting the rising cost of living and the impact of inflation on consumers. He discusses the global consumer backtrack and the role of government spending in exacerbating the economic crisis. He then discusses Kamala Harris's role in California's crime catastrophe, highlighting her support for policies that have led to increased crime rates and the release of violent offenders. He criticizes her record as a prosecutor and her support for policies that undermine law enforcement.

Kamala Harris's Political Climb, FBI Confirms Bullet Hit Trump's Ear, David McCormick's Senate Campaign

The segment discusses Kamala Harris's past as a District Attorney and Attorney General, highlighting her ideological approach and how these roles served as stepping stones for her political advancement. The FBI confirms that a bullet struck former President Trump's ear during a shooting incident at a Pennsylvania rally, contradicting earlier statements by FBI Director Christopher Ray. David McCormick, a candidate for the Senate in Pennsylvania, discusses the FBI's confirmation that a bullet hit Trump's ear and criticizes the Secret Service's response to the incident.

Pennsylvania Election: McCormick vs. Casey, Pennsylvania's Energy Sector and Military Build-up

David McCormick, a Republican candidate for the Senate in Pennsylvania, discusses his campaign against incumbent Democrat Bob Casey, highlighting Casey's perceived lack of independence and his support for Biden's policies. McCormick emphasizes the importance of Pennsylvania's energy sector and advocates for the development of an offshore port in Philadelphia to export natural gas. He also calls for a military build-up and investment in shipbuilding in Philadelphia.

Bob Casey's Stance on Israel and Anti-Semitism, McCormick's Campaign Funding and Strategy

McCormick criticizes Bob Casey's perceived weakness on issues related to Israel and anti-Semitism, citing Casey's silence on recent anti-Semitic incidents and his support for candidates with anti-Semitic views. McCormick then discusses his campaign funding and strategy, emphasizing his ability to raise money and his focus on highlighting his track record and leadership qualities.

McCormick's Appeal to Union Workers, Promotion of "Life, Libri and Lovyn" Show

McCormick addresses his strategy for winning over union workers in Pennsylvania, emphasizing his support for creating jobs and fighting for working families. The host then promotes his upcoming show "Life, Libri and Lovyn," featuring Stephen Miller and Douglas Murray, where they will discuss Kamala Harris and her policies.


Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is the current Vice President of the United States and a former Senator from California. She is a member of the Democratic Party and is considered to be a progressive. Harris has been criticized for her record as a prosecutor, her support for radical policies, and her ties to anti-Israel groups.


"Equity" is a term often used by progressives to describe a system where everyone has equal outcomes, regardless of their individual efforts or circumstances. It is often contrasted with "equality," which refers to equal opportunities. Critics argue that "equity" is a form of Marxist ideology that undermines individual responsibility and promotes government control.


Marxism is a political and economic ideology that advocates for a classless society where the means of production are owned by the state. Marxists believe that capitalism is inherently exploitative and that the working class should overthrow the bourgeoisie. Mark Levin argues that Kamala Harris's policies are based on Marxist principles, particularly her emphasis on "equity" and her support for government intervention in the economy.

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

CAIR is a Muslim advocacy group that has been accused of having ties to Hamas, a terrorist organization. Mark Levin argues that Kamala Harris's past association with CAIR raises concerns about her stance on Israel and her support for anti-Israel activism.


Hamas is a Palestinian Islamist organization that has been designated as a terrorist group by the United States and other countries. Hamas has been responsible for numerous attacks against Israel, including suicide bombings and rocket attacks. Mark Levin argues that Kamala Harris's ties to CAIR, which he alleges is a Hamas front group, are evidence of her anti-Israel bias.

Border Czar

The term "border czar" is used to describe a person who is responsible for overseeing the border between the United States and Mexico. Mark Levin argues that Kamala Harris was never officially appointed as "border czar" and that the media's portrayal of her as such is misleading. He criticizes her lack of action on the border crisis and her support for policies that encourage illegal immigration.

Illegal Alien

"Illegal alien" is a term used to describe a person who is living in a country without legal permission. Mark Levin argues that the term is not offensive and that it is important to use accurate language when discussing immigration. He criticizes the Democrat Party's attempt to censor the term and their support for policies that benefit illegal immigrants.

Defund the Police

"Defund the police" is a movement that advocates for reducing funding for police departments and investing in social programs instead. Mark Levin argues that the movement is dangerous and that it will lead to increased crime rates. He criticizes Kamala Harris's support for the movement and her belief that "more police equals more safety" is wrong.

Green New Deal

The Green New Deal is a proposed set of policies aimed at addressing climate change and economic inequality. The plan calls for a massive investment in renewable energy, infrastructure, and social programs. Mark Levin argues that the Green New Deal is unrealistic and that it will harm the economy. He criticizes Kamala Harris's support for the plan and her belief that climate change is an "existential threat."


  • What is Mark Levin's main criticism of Kamala Harris's political ideology?

    Mark Levin argues that Kamala Harris's ideology is based on Marxist principles, particularly her emphasis on "equity" and her support for government intervention in the economy. He criticizes her for her hypocrisy regarding her past actions as a prosecutor and her support for policies that benefit illegal immigrants.

  • What are some of the specific policies that Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris for supporting?

    Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris for supporting policies like the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and a federal gun license. He argues that these policies are unrealistic, harmful to the economy, and infringe on individual rights.

  • What is Mark Levin's main concern about Kamala Harris's ties to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)?

    Mark Levin argues that CAIR is a Hamas front group and that Kamala Harris's past association with CAIR raises concerns about her stance on Israel and her support for anti-Israel activism. He believes that her record on Israel is a cause for concern among Jewish voters.

  • How does Mark Levin respond to the media's portrayal of Kamala Harris as a "border czar"?

    Mark Levin argues that Kamala Harris was never officially appointed as "border czar" and that the media's portrayal of her as such is misleading. He criticizes her lack of action on the border crisis and her support for policies that encourage illegal immigration.

  • What is Mark Levin's main argument against the "Defund the Police" movement?

    Mark Levin argues that the "Defund the Police" movement is dangerous and that it will lead to increased crime rates. He criticizes Kamala Harris's support for the movement and her belief that "more police equals more safety" is wrong.

  • What is Mark Levin's main criticism of the Democrat Party's attempt to control language and censor certain terms?

    Mark Levin argues that the Democrat Party's attempt to control language and censor certain terms is a form of totalitarianism. He criticizes their efforts to silence criticism of Kamala Harris and their radical policies, and he believes that it is important to use accurate language when discussing important issues.

  • What is Mark Levin's main message to his listeners?

    Mark Levin encourages his listeners to stay positive and remember that they are not alone in their fight against the radical left. He calls on them to organize and fight for their country in the upcoming election, and he emphasizes the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity.

  • What are the key criticisms that David McCormick levels against Bob Casey in the context of the Pennsylvania Senate race?

    McCormick criticizes Casey for his perceived lack of independence, his support for Biden's policies, and his perceived weakness on issues related to Israel and anti-Semitism.

  • How does David McCormick position himself as a candidate for the Senate in Pennsylvania, particularly in relation to the state's energy sector and military build-up?

    McCormick emphasizes the importance of Pennsylvania's energy sector, advocating for the development of an offshore port in Philadelphia to export natural gas. He also calls for a military build-up and investment in shipbuilding in Philadelphia.

  • How does David McCormick address the concerns of union workers in Pennsylvania, given the national support for Biden and Casey from labor unions?

    McCormick emphasizes his commitment to creating jobs and fighting for working families, arguing that he understands the concerns of union workers and will represent their interests in the Senate.

Show Notes

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris is an outspoken Marxist who believes in equity over equality and that everyone should have the same outcome no matter how hard they work. Democrats are celebrating Stalinism in their party and the media is giddy to promote it. Harris let the southern border turn into a disaster and does not believe illegal immigration is a crime, which is why Democrats deflect the border czar title as Republican propaganda. Harris has exposed herself as a radical extreme Marxist, so the left will lie about her just like they lied about Biden and so many other things. Also, Kamala Harris despises Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu and the proof is in her actions, not what we’re told to believe or who she is married to. Harris cannot and will not condemn Hamas and has ties to CAIR, an Islamic terrorist front group. Later, Mark is joined by Dave McCormick, candidate for Senate from Pennsylvania, to talk about his experience at the Trump rally and being so close to the assassination attempt, the disappointing failures of the FBI and Secret Service, and also his race for Senate.

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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/26/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/26/24

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