Marti Oakley & TS Radio: Marti Oakley & Barb Peterson Sharon Kramer Whistleblower #2 Apr 25, 2011
Sharon Kramer is a researcher of how concepts market their way into public health policy. Last week, Sharon explained how it became a false concept in US public health policy that it was scientifically proven the microbes found in water damaged buildings do not harm human health. This false concept was marketed into policy by the US Chamber of Commerce, a think-tank and a medical policy writing organization, the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM). This was done for the purpose of saving liability for the illnesses, primarily for the insurance industry.
Tonight, Sharon is going to talk about the corruption in the California judicial system at its highest levels that aids this scientific fraud to remain in policy and what several brave California judges are doing to put law and democracy back in the California courts.