Maryland Forests Association Faces of Forestry: Beth and Joe ~ Episode 64
Beth and Joe of the Maryland Forests Association sat down to talk to me about a "Faces of Forestry" program they have. We are featuring guests of this program on the Talking Forests podcast once a month. We hope you all gain insight from these guests about the forest sector and how each job in the entire supply chain is very important.
Elizabeth Hill:
Beth is the executive director of Maryland Forests Association and a resident of the Eastern Shore of Maryland with more than 20 years’ experience in the forest sector. She previously served as the General Manager of Dorchester Lumber Company Inc., a family owned business founded in 1950. In her leadership role, she saw that the company provided quality products in a healthy, safe work environment, while promoting sustainable forestry practices.
“Forestry is the highest and best use for land to protect the water quality of the Chesapeake Bay. Most people have no idea how important or vast the forestry industry is,” Hill said.
MFA worked with BEACON, the Business Economic and Community Outreach Network at Salisbury University, with the support of the Maryland Agricultural and Resource-Based Industries Development Corporation (MARBIDCO), conducted an economic impact study to measure the importance of Maryland’s resource-based industries. Using the latest data from 2015, the report found that Maryland’s forestry sector contributed nearly $3.5 billion to the State’s economy, supported 15,271 jobs, and nearly $133 million in State and local tax revenue.
Beth resides in Dorchester County with her husband and two children and is an active member of her community.
Joe Hinson:
President of Maryland Forests Association and President and he works with Northwest Natural Resource Group as main forester. He has over 25 years’ experience in helping private landowners, agencies, industry, and legislative bodies resolve natural resource conflicts. He was named by former Idaho Governor Cecil Andrus to represent timber industry in negotiating process to implement state’s "anti-degradation" policy. He was director of private forestry programs for the National Forest Products Association, Washington D.C. (1977-1982). Education: B.S. in Forest Resource Management, West Virginia University, 1971.
Voice By Gordon Collier in Introduction:
Spring by Ikson
Music promoted by Audio Library