Maryland Forests Association Faces of Forestry: Tony from Pixelle ~ Episode 66
Maryland Forests Association "Faces of Forestry" features Tony Pixelle this month. He has been a forester in Maryland and has worked in different parts of the state for different agencies. He talks about his start as a naturalist and his work leading into being a forester for Pixelle ( We are featuring guests of this program on the Talking Forests podcast once a month. We hope you all gain insight from these guests about the forest sector and how each job in the entire supply chain is very important. #facesofforestry #talkingforests #forestproud #marylandforests #forestsforever Photo credit: Edwin Remsberg Photographs
Anthony H. DiPaolo:
I am a lifelong resident of Maryland and a Licensed Professional Forester with over 30 years of experience in forest management and wood procurement. I have spent most of my career working on the Eastern Shore. My first job out of college was as a naturalist for Carroll County Parks and Rec. at Piney Run Park near Sykesville. I was hired by the Maryland Forest Service as an Asst. Project Forester in 1986 and began my forestry career working in Allegany and Garrett Counties. In 1987 I accepted the Project Forester’s position in Worcester County. In 1996 I left state service to take a job with Cropper Brothers Lumber Co. in Willards, Md., where I was responsible for all wood procurement activities along with the management of their family-owned timberlands. In December of 2013, I began working for Glatfelter as an area forester procuring pulpwood for the Eastern Shore District. In 2018, Glatfelter’s Specialty Papers Unit was reborn as Pixelle Specialty Solutions LLC.
I have a BS in Forestry (1982) from Virginia Tech. I am a member and past chair of the Md./De. Division of the Society of American Foresters. I am also a member of the Maryland Sustainable Forestry Council, a member of the Worcester Forestry Board, a past vice president for the Maryland Forest Association, a member of the Delaware Forestry Assoc., a current District Supervisor for the Worcester Soil Conservation District, and a board member of the Lower Shore Land Trust. Some of my past awards include the Maryland Forester of the Year in 1992 and the Maryland Forest Leadership award in 1995.
From both a professional and personal standpoint, I have a keen interest in the conservation of our state’s forest lands. I believe my thirty-plus years of experience, managing both public and private forests across various regions of Maryland, provides me a unique perspective on the issues and challenges affecting forestry.
Voice By Gordon Collier in Introduction:
Spring by Ikson
Music promoted by Audio Library