Maudelayne: Series 2 Episode 12: Taking Flak
Art by: Alexa Chipman
A Celtic goddess offers passage into the Underworld and Time itself. After being separated, each finds himself ten years in the future — during the middle of WWII.
Special thanks to the 55th Fighter Group.
Recurring Voice Talent:
Mark Kalita as Percy Atherton
Paeter Frandsen as John Westbrook
David Maciver as Nigel Worsley
Bruce Busby as Lord David Cecil
Steven Jay Cohen as Walter de Burgh
Guest Voice Talent:
Alexa Chipman Sulis & Adelaide
Stevie K. Farnaby as German
Paul Campbell as Pubgoer1
Michael Hudson as Lt. Commander Hezlet
Curt Palmer as Submariner & Oxbridge Student
Kim Gianopolous as Mrs. Jane de Burgh
Bill Hollweg as Sgt. Ben Ruckel
Music provided by: Spare Parts
The following Audio Drama is rated G- for General Audience and is suitable for all ages. For more info: