Maudelayne Series 3 Episode 9: Stairway to Paradise
Art by: Alexa Chipman
Fenrir, the great wolf of Asgard, is running wild all over the college. Can he be shackled before causing irreparable damage to Maudelayne?
Recurring Voice Talent:
Mark Kalita as Percy Atherton
Paeter Frandsen as John Westbrook
David Maciver as Nigel Worsley
Kim Gianopoulos as Jane Worsley
Bruce Busby as Lord David Cecil
Gareth Bowley as Maudelayne President George Gordon
Michael Hudson as Major W.H. Lewis
Stevie K. Farnaby as Gardener
Guest Voice Talent:
Steven Jay Cohen as Oden
Alex Gilmour as Tyr
Rish Outfield as Fenrir
Stevie K. Farnaby as Loki
Music provided by:
Spare Parts
Blackmore’s Night
Southern Horizon
Avalon Rising
The following Audio Drama is rated G- for General Audience and is suitable for all ages. For more info: