Media’s Sanitizing of Trump’s Candidacy is Journalistic Malpractice
The Nation's D.C. Bureau Chief Chris Lehmann: Media’s Sanitizing of Trump’s Candidacy is Journalistic Malpractice
Rutgers University law professor and author David Noll: New Book, ‘Vigilante Nation,’ Describes MAGA’s State-Based Attack on Democracy
National Immigration Law Center President Kica Matos: As Trump Demonizes and Scapegoats Immigrants, Democrats Adopt Some Trump Policies
Bob Nixon's Under-reported News Summary
• Russia's war in Ukraine has upset balance of power in Turkic region
• New voting laws could tip November election outcome
• New York congressional races could tip House control
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Produced by Squeaky Wheel Productions: Scott Harris, Melinda Tuhus, Bob Nixon, Anna Manzo, Susan Bramhall, Jeff Yates and Mary Hunt. Theme music by Richard Hill and Mikata.