U.S. Doctor Shares His Eyewitness Account of Gaza War Horrors
Pediatrician Dr. Ahmad Javed Yousaf: U.S. Doctor Shares His Eyewitness Account of Gaza War Horrors
New York Times Pulitzer prize-winning journalist James Risen: Trump’s Racism is the Primary Driver of His Voter Support
The Sentencing Project's Joshua Rovner: Youth Incarceration in the U.S. Declines, but Racial Disparities Persist
Bob Nixon's Under-reported News Summary
- Obscure strategy wreaked short-lived havoc on global markets
- US neo-Nazi terror group aims to revive activities
- Arizona schools don’t want to be polling locations
Visit our website at BTLonline.org for more information, in-depth interviews, related links and transcripts and to sign up for our BTL Weekly Summary. New episodes every Wednesday at 12 noon ET, website updated Wednesdays after 4 p.m. ET
Produced by Squeaky Wheel Productions: Scott Harris, Melinda Tuhus, Bob Nixon, Anna Manzo, Susan Bramhall, Jeff Yates and Mary Hunt. Theme music by Richard Hill and Mikata.