DiscoverNBC Meet the PressMeet the Press NOW — August 29
Meet the Press NOW — August 29

Meet the Press NOW — August 29

Update: 2024-08-29


The episode delves into the 2020 presidential election, focusing on the campaigns of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. It begins with a discussion of Harris' first major interview and new polling suggesting her campaign is gaining momentum. However, the episode also highlights concerns about her lack of experience and convictions among some voters. The episode then examines the controversy surrounding Trump's visit to Arlington National Cemetery, where his campaign allegedly violated cemetery rules. This incident raises questions about Trump's judgment and campaign tactics. The episode features excerpts from Harris and her running mate's first joint interview, where she emphasizes her commitment to her values despite accusations of moving towards the center. The episode also includes a Deciders focus group with Latino voters, revealing their dissatisfaction with both candidates and a lack of knowledge about Harris. The episode explores the issue of abortion with the Deciders focus group, highlighting the strong opinions voters hold on this issue. It also features excerpts from Trump's interview with NBC News, where he discusses his campaign strategy, his stance on abortion, and his support for federal funding for IVF treatments. The episode concludes with a discussion of new polling showing a tight presidential race in some battleground states, but a significant Democratic advantage in down ballot races. It also reports on a Justice Department Inspector General report criticizing the FBI for failing to adequately handle child sex abuse cases.


The 2020 Election: Harris, Trump, and the Deciders Focus Group

This episode examines the 2020 presidential election, focusing on the campaigns of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. It explores voter sentiment, candidate positions, and the impact of key issues like abortion and immigration. The episode features a Deciders focus group with skeptical voters and Latino voters, providing insights into their concerns and perceptions of the candidates.

Deciders Focus Group: Skeptical Voters

The episode features a Deciders focus group with voters who are skeptical of both candidates. The group expresses mixed views of Harris' candidacy, with some expressing concerns about her lack of convictions and experience.

Trump's Controversial Visit to Arlington Cemetery

The episode discusses the controversy surrounding Trump's visit to Arlington National Cemetery, where his campaign allegedly violated cemetery rules by taking photos and videos. The episode also covers Trump's upcoming speech in Michigan.

Harris and Walls' First Joint Interview

The episode features excerpts from Harris and Walls' first joint interview since becoming the Democratic nominees. Harris emphasizes that her values have not changed, despite accusations of moving towards the center.

Deciders Focus Group: Latino Voters

The episode continues with the Deciders focus group, this time focusing on Latino voters in battleground states. The group expresses dissatisfaction with both candidates and a lack of knowledge about Harris.

Analysis of Deciders Focus Group

The episode features analysis of the Deciders focus group by NBC News correspondents and experts. They discuss the voters' skepticism of Harris, their lack of knowledge about her, and their perception of Trump as a change agent.

Key Issues: Abortion and IVF

The episode explores the issue of abortion with the Deciders focus group. Voters express strong opinions on the issue, with some supporting a woman's right to choose and others supporting limits on abortion. The episode also features Trump's interview with NBC News, where he discusses his stance on abortion and his support for federal funding for IVF treatments.


Deciders Focus Group

A series of focus groups conducted by Meet the Press to gauge the opinions of undecided voters in key battleground states. The groups provide insights into the voters' concerns, priorities, and perceptions of the candidates.

Swing State

A state that is considered to be closely contested in a presidential election, where the outcome of the election could be decided by a small number of votes. Swing states are often targeted by campaigns with increased advertising and campaigning efforts.

Arlington National Cemetery

A national cemetery located in Arlington, Virginia, where the remains of American military personnel and their families are buried. The cemetery is a sacred site and is subject to strict rules regarding photography and political activity.

IVF Treatment

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a fertility treatment that involves the fertilization of an egg by sperm outside of the body. IVF is a complex and expensive procedure, and the cost of treatment is often a significant barrier for many couples.

Abortion Access

The ability of individuals to access safe and legal abortion services. Abortion access is a highly contested issue in the United States, with many states enacting laws restricting or banning abortion.


  • What are the key takeaways from the Deciders focus group with skeptical voters?

    The focus group revealed that voters are skeptical of Harris' candidacy, with concerns about her lack of convictions and experience. They also perceive Trump as a bigger agent of change, though not necessarily a positive one.

  • How does the controversy surrounding Trump's visit to Arlington National Cemetery impact his campaign?

    The controversy highlights Trump's tendency to court controversy and potentially alienates voters who value respect for military service and sacred grounds. It also raises questions about his judgment and campaign tactics.

  • How does Harris' first joint interview with Walls address concerns about her policy positions?

    Harris emphasizes that her values have not changed, despite accusations of moving towards the center. She highlights her experience as Attorney General of California and her work on issues like climate change and immigration.

  • What are the key issues that are likely to influence Latino voters in the election?

    Latino voters are concerned about the economy, immigration, and abortion. They are also skeptical of both candidates and lack knowledge about Harris.

  • How does Trump's stance on abortion access and IVF treatment differ from traditional Republican views?

    Trump's statements on abortion access and IVF treatment represent a significant break from Republican orthodoxy. He has indicated that he would not support a six-week abortion ban and believes the federal government should cover the costs of IVF treatments.

  • What are the implications of the significant Democratic advantage in down ballot races?

    The Democratic advantage in down ballot races suggests that voters are more receptive to Democratic candidates on issues like abortion access and healthcare. It also highlights the potential for a split ticket, where voters support different parties for different offices.

  • What are the key findings of the Justice Department Inspector General report on the FBI's handling of child sex abuse cases?

    The report found that the FBI failed to adequately investigate and report child sex abuse cases, despite reforms implemented after the Larry Nassar scandal. The report highlights systemic failures within the FBI and raises concerns about the agency's ability to protect children.

Show Notes

Vice President Kamala Harris sits down for her first interview since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee. NBC News Correspondent Yamiche Alcindor and Syracuse University's Margaret Talev discuss the latest installment of NBC News' Deciders Focus Group series looking at skeptical Latino voters. This focus group was produced in collaboration with Engagious, Syracuse University and Sago. Former President Donald Trump tells NBC News Correspondent Dasha Burns that Florida's six-week abortion law is too short.









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Meet the Press NOW — August 29

Meet the Press NOW — August 29

NBC News